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Chuck Season 3



Yay, Chuck did indeed get renewed for another season. On the downside... well, there were rumors that the cast will be cut. I always hate the shows and movies that try to come up with a lame explanation for why so and so isn't coming on, like "Oh, she broke up with me and moved away since last season". The only good way to do this is to kill them off in style... like Charlie in the third season finale of Lost. (Actually, it was after that when I stopped watching the show... coincidence) I hope Chuck doesn't suffer too much... all the main characters are so awesome that it'll be a shame to see one of them go. (Now, if a few get knocked off the main cast list and come as recurring characters, like in season 1, that might be acceptable) Also, I think it's being switch from Mondays to Fridays, which apparently aren't the best days for TV. (I used to watch Numb3rs on Friday, but that station doesn't come in on my TV. I'll probably end up watching most of Chuck next year online anyway, so the day doesn't really matter that much)


So in all likelihood, this is probably Chuck's last season, since plenty of people seem to hate it enough. But, hey, if they know they're going into a final season, maybe they'll wrap it up nicely. If they had shaved off the last ten minutes of the last episode, it would've been a nice series finale... they kind of threw in the cliffhanger at the last minute. Oh well.




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