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Shore Turtles......heh

Kopaka's Ice Engineering


197½ lb., 25.1% body fat (:o)


Last night, I finished VNOLG. Level 48. Had waaaay too much equipment to go through. Bought a stone ripper just before the little quest for the stone ripper. Man, I wish I could recoup some of those stone shards. (I played as Nuparu, so stone shards went to my weapons.)

12 Attack

14 Defense

21 Technique


A high Technique makes the game a lot easier: Defense becomes less important when you're dodging the attacks, and Attack rating can take a back seat when you keep dealing critical hits.


Equipment for the Vezon/Fenrakk fight:

Defense Great Kanohi of Air

Heavy Attack Armor of Stone

1 Stone power launcher

Soulstone (unused)

Heavy Defense Greaves of Air (something I bought with the 50 Air shards I had....I had 70 Fire shards at one point)

...and one hand tied behind my back. :P


Vezon was gone with the last shot from the power launcher. Yeah, I had another one in the other hand: it just went unused.


I was amazed how few problems couldn't be solved by the judicious use of a power launcher and a harpoon.


Thanks, lavaside rahi (if you still read this blog), for the walkthrough, and the driving home of why you shouldn't face Vezok before Reidak. I've got a few other glitches for you, too.


Now, at what cost did I defeat the game? The late nights I've spent trying to put the quest in the "complete" column have left me sick. Literally.

I've caught some kind of bug. Cough + cold + bleh = Flu - fever = what KIE has right now. And I haven't gotten a flu shot yet, so that's something else I need to get better for.


If I'm laying low on the longest 2-day weekend of the year, you now know why: I'm curled into a ball in bed, trying to sleep it off, complete with orange juice IV.




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I still haven't beaten VNOLG. -_-


And I seem to still be a bit sick also, from something I have no clue, it's probably just the change in weather along with allergy/sinus deals. *shrugs*


Hope you get better!

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Hope you get better. Everyone else is getting sick, too. My brass captain spread his Mono over to his girlfriend (betcha can't guess who that is) who is the drum major. We have two competitions this week.


And besides them, half the school is out too. Really stinks.


So get better. :)

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