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Apology, Yea.



Well as it seems I have offended some with This entry, I know it is only right to apologize. I thought I was being civil, and polite, but after some light reading I see that I may not have been in the eyes of many important people here. So as I did with Bink, please any that were offended by it accept my sincere apologies. I only had the well being of the BBC forum and members in mind.


And to Vader, please accept my direct apology to you sir, I never really knew you viewed me in such a way, honestly.

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Personally I think that entry was fine. Perhaps 'we all love lego, how about lego loving us back' was the wrong choice of words - as DV said, Lego cares very much about their fans. In my opinion, it's not so much the wait that's bugging people as the lack of communication. We were told that the results would probably be ready 'by the end of the week'. That was two, three weeks ago, and we heard nothing more until Bink posted in your entry yesterday. If they had told us, say, last week that they were busy with designing new sets and that they were unfortunately still judging the entries, I don't think everyone would be so annoyed. Everyone appreciates that Lego are busy, so we're all prepared to wait , but if we're told that we'll have results 'by the end of the week' and we're still waiting two to three weeks later, people are bound to assume that the designers have forgotten. It's what people do - it's just the same if we don't recieve a birthday card from a family member, for example.

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