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The Story Continues



Just finished writing the content for the BIONICLE.com update, and got Greg's blessing on it. :) That's always a good feeling. The story section of BIONICLE.com will be in 5 sections, like it was last year, and will be updated monthly. So you'll need to visit regularly to get the story updates.


For those of you asking about the song... I'm still working on trying to get the date for that. There were rumors that the licensing might be changed so we couldn't have the song for download on the site, I don't have confirmation one way or the other yet. But I'm strongly fighting to have the song available for you to download.


The next version of the online game (Glatorian Arena 2) is in production, set for an August release.


Now, after cleaning some other stuff up, I get to dive into drafting the update content for BIONICLEstory.com, which I've been incredibly negligent about doing. But it WILL get done, I promise.


In other news, I received the results from the LEGO designers regarding BBC contest #53, and have sent that on to contest mistress Tufi Piyufi. So you should see the results as soon as Tufi gets a chance to post it. The prizes will be pretty nifty, too.




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Hey, that's good! Five sections too, and we get Tony Wedgewood again in the summer commercials. Are we repeating the 5 flash movies that combine into one thingy from last year? That would be great! (As long as it shows Tuma, os course :P)


Also, thanks for fighting for having the song up. That's very nice from you. :)

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I received the results from the LEGO designers regarding BBC contest #53, and have sent that on to contest mistress Tufi Piyufi. So you should see the results as soon as Tufi gets a chance to post it. The prizes will be pretty nifty, too.

*gasps* :o


Yayz! We can finally know the winners! And pretty nifty prizes too? Oh boy! :D


Thanks for the updates Bink! ^_^



( ( ( curatorbbc.png ) ) )

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Do you know the new song's name or the lyrics? If you do, can you share it (or them) with us?


I'm sorry that I keep nagging you about the song...

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