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Voting For C. I. R. C. L. E. Articles 42 & 93-98



Confederated Inter-Related Collaborative League of Epics


Once again I'd like to welcome everyone, now straight to more business.



The forty-second article proposed by RingMaster Zee is as follows:

RingMaster Zee hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Cryalis (KRIGH-uh-liss), the Great Mask of Elemental Conversion, which allow the user to temporarily transform into a single aspect of their Element.


Examples would be a Toa of Lightning briefly becoming a "lightning bolt" or a Toa of Ice momentarily turning into "hail".


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The ninety-third article proposed by Toa_Ausar is as follows:

Toa_Ausar hereby proposes that the following list of forty elementally distinct "Tribes of Matoran" be adopted as an official part of "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe", however it should be noted that it is possible that additional tribes may discovered at some point in the future.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The ninety-fourth article proposed by Kohila is as follows:

Kohila hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there is an intertwined dimension known as "The Shadow Realm", that is to say, the world between life and death that each and every being must travel through on their way to "The Underworld".


If a being is within "The Shadow Realm", they cannot be seen, felt, nor heard by anyone, other than another being who is wearing a Kanohi Great Rode or a Kanohi Great Elda, however they can mentally influence another being through sheer force of will if they truly wish to do so.


Aside from death, "The Shadow Realm" can only be accessed through use of a Kanohi Great Iden, Kanohi Great Olmak, or by a Toa of Spirits.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The ninety-fifth article proposed by Toa_Ausar is as follows:

Toa_Ausar hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exists six islands collectively known as "The Ţuat" (zhoo-AT). Each of these six islands serves as the sole physical gateways into "The Shadow Realm".


There is a single "Ţuat" hidden within each one of the "Six Kingdoms" and the souls of all beings who die within a given Kingdom are transformed by the energies of death and thus travel to "The Ţuat" of that specific Kingdom in order to pass into the "The Shadow Realm". If a being within the Matoran Universe dies in an area that was not considered a part of any of the "Six Kingdoms", that is to say within the Domes of Artakha, Daxia, or Metru Nui, then they simply travel to the nearest of the six "Ţuat".


The six islands that make up "The Ţuat" are primarily home to Cu-Matoran, Ul-Matoran, Vo-Matoran, Xi-Matoran , Ye-Matoran , and Za-Matoran, furthermore all villagers from these six Tribes originally hail from one of the six "Ţuat".


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The ninety-sixth article proposed by Kohila is as follows:

Kohila hereby proposes that with "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exists a small shrine within the underground confines of the Isle of Yezo Nui that allows a deceased being who is lingering within "The Shadow Realm" to be reborn if they can mentally entice a living being through intense psychic persuasion to gather together a Kanohi Great Hau, along with three Heartlights carved from the chests of living and unwilling victims, in order to facilitate a ritual that will resurrect the deceased.


Influencing a living being is made easier if the deceased was originally a Ce-Matoran, or a being who wore a Kanohi Great Gikar, a Kanohi Great Komau, or a Kanohi Great Suletu in life.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The ninety-seventh article proposed by Toa_Ausar is as follows:

Toa_Ausar hereby proposes that the following Integrated Timeline be adopted as the official timeline of "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe", however it should be noted that the project remains ongoing, and will have to be brought to another vote in the future once additional events are added.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The ninety-eighth article proposed by Toa_Ausar is as follows:

Toa_Ausar hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" the word "Uār" (oo-AYRH) shall henceforth be considered an adjective in the Matoran language meaning "free", that is to say "emancipated".


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


And with that said, I open this thread up for discussion on the various articles for the proposed enhancement of our group structure and joint storyline.


Please be sure to vote on all seven articles in this thread.


Also, note that this discussion and the corresponding voting will end at 1200 PST (Noon in the Pacific Time Zone) on Monday, June 1st, 2009 provided that at least 2/3 of C.I.R.C.L.E. Members have voted at that point.


Lastly, the C.I.R.C.L.E. Members will be notified of the results via the C.I.R.C.L.E. Results Overview & Discussion thread, however, when there are other blog threads where authors can vote on the proposals surrounding the details of C.I.R.C.L.E., that communication will still happen via PM.




UPDATE: Article 42 has been defeated with a total of


Article 93 has passed with a total of "TEN AYE VOTES TO TWO NAY VOTES", plus

Articles 94, 95, & 96 have all passed with a total of "ELEVEN AYE VOTES TO TWO NAY VOTES" each,

meanwhile Articles 97 & 98 have both passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION" and the polls are now closed.




Recommended Comments

I vote Aye on all articles except 94, 95, and 96, for the following reason: the Underworld? How about no? We seem to be straying dangerously close to religion for my taste. Once something is dead in the Bionicle universe, it's dead. Nothing afterward, no way back, the end.



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Once something is dead in the Bionicle universe, it's dead. Nothing afterward, no way back, the end.



Oh, right. Just like when Jaller died during "The Mask of Light" and was gone for good, with no way back. :blink:



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Guest kopakanuva13


42: Aye, although it should have some form of drawback like great risks in doing this (for example, a Toa of Fire becoming a flame could be doused with water and therefore killed, a Toa of Ice might become a hailstorm but be melted or scattered in multiple places, et cetera)

93: Aye, aye, aye! ^.^ The list seems perfect, and it also compliments the personalities of most of my own original characters =]

94: Aye, but to an extent. I suggest that such a story element involved can be disregarded as part of the canon by members who feel it violates the BIONICLE story, if that's at all possible.

95: Aye, but with the same qualities of my proposition for Article 94.

96: Aye, but with the same proposition as the above two.

97: Aye, although I'd like to add on my information of "The Makers", "Kiriva", and the "Gikk Maha" in my next proposal :lookhere:

98: Aye.

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Article 42: Aye.


ARTICLE 93 (wHICH i DIDN'T SEE): Aye. Now we have it all organized. Thank you, Ausar!


Article 94: Aye. I don't mind the whole 'Underworld' thing. Although, to please other members (No offense intended to any), I would change the name 'Underworld'.


Article 95: Aye again, it doesn't bother me. Now, you say it is a physical gate into the Underworld. Is it possible for a living being to use the Tuat?


Article 96: Aye. I don't mind the whole thing about resurrection.


Article 97: AYE. AYE! Thank you, Ausar. Now we can all go to one place to see how all our timelines interact. :D


Article 98: Aye. sounds cool.




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Article 95: Now, you say it is a physical gate into the Underworld. Is it possible for a living being to use the Tuat?



To be clear here, the proposed "Ţuat" are physical gateways to "The Shadow Realm", not to "The Underworld". :uhuh:


And yes, it is possible for a living being to cross into "The Shadow Realm" via "The Ţuat", however this would basically result in their death because there is only one known way out of "The Shadow Realm" and that's described in Article 96. ;)


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Once something is dead in the Bionicle universe, it's dead. Nothing afterward, no way back, the end.



Oh, right. Just like when Jaller died during "The Mask of Light" and was gone for good, with no way back. :blink:


Okay, fine. That was an exception, since Takutanuva is never coming back. I'm still utterly against it.



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Okay, fine. That was an exception, since Takutanuva is never coming back. I'm still utterly against it.



I have to ask you then Ballom, is it simply the use of the words "soul" and "underworld" that inhibit you from voting in favor of Article 95 ?


I'd really like to know. :unsure:


Now, onto the rest of the business at hand...


First let me point out that I specifically adjusted the guidelines for what I considered an Element so that I could allow Article 42 a fair, up-or-down vote. That being said, I remain somewhat opposed to the idea and thus vote "NAY" although I am interested in hearing the response to the concern raised by Cap'n K in Comment #3.


Next, I vote "AYE" on each and every one of Articles 93-98, many for obvious reasons, such as my being the author of most, however I feel that they all involve a lot of thought and effort taking many hours of hard work and refinement to reach their current format for the group's consideration.


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Aye to all.


The names and Kanohi are good, but the underworld thing is what makes me happiest to approve of it all. It may be close to religion, but I see no problems with that. It'll add more than the controversy it may raise amongst readers for anything religious. As a religious man myself, I love it.

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Okay, fine. That was an exception, since Takutanuva is never coming back. I'm still utterly against it.



I have to ask you then Ballom, is it simply the use of the words "soul" and "underworld" that inhibit you from voting in favor of Article 95 ?


I'd really like to know. :unsure:



Yes, that's mainly it. I think it's too close to a religious afterlife for my tastes, and I believe that Bionicle should remain not very religious. That's all. :shrugs:



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Modified votes on articles 93, 94,95 and 96!Article 42- Nay, ive never really like this idea in the first place.

Articles 93- Aye, thanks Ausar for clearing it all up for me

97 and 98-Aye, sounds good

Articles 94, 95 and 96- A very reluctant Aye as i think this will be important to other members epics

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Article 42: Nay. I don't need a reason why I think its a bad idea

Aticle 93: Aye

Article 94: Aye

Article 95: Aye

Article 96: Aye

Article 97: Aye

Article 98: Aye


Now to throw my opinion into the ring: Once something dies it can be resurrected as in the case of Jaller. THe reason why Jaller was able to be restored was because there was a life imprint left on the mask. The reason why Lhikan wasn't brought back to life was because the imprint had faded after the Great Rescue therefore Lhikan's lifeforce was gone. Also the Kanohi Ignika has the ability to bring those who have died back to life. Also if I am not mistaken BIONICLE has its own religion, this could just make it deepen a bit which I am in favor of.



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"UNDECIDED" on Article 42. Our past discussion and Cap'n K's concerns has lead me to doubt the usefulness of the Cryalis as defined in the article. The ability to become a physical Elemental entity like the Elemental Lords would remove that doubt.


"UNDECIDED" on Article 93. I have placed my concerns regarding this article here.


"AYE" on Article 94. Replace "The Underworld" with "The Afterlife." "The Underworld" sounds evil and foreboding. "The Afterlife" sounds far more neutral. It might also help alleviate Ballom's concerns. Also could a being wearing a Kanohi Elda detect another being in "The Shadow Realm?"


"AYE" to Article 95. My primary concern is the inclusion of the Matoran tribes, no Matoran would naturally wield these Elements. Unless their proximity to the "Tuats" caused them to mutate into Matoran with those Elements.

This is just nitpicking but, I don't see the need to specify that each "Kingdom" had a "Tuat", merely state that there are six located throughout the MU and that a deceased person's soul has to pass through the nearest "Tuat" to reach "The Shadow Realm."


"AYE" on Article 96. When Takutanuva only needed Jaller's mask and the sacrificing of some of his own life force to bring Jaller back; why would a Hau, three heartlights, and a ritual be needed? This one is almost ridiculously too silly and laughable to think about.


"AYE" to Article 97. It is good to have something to help us avoid conflicting any of our storylines.


"AYE" to Article 98. I see no reason to oppose this.

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I have to ask you then Ballom, is it simply the use of the words "soul" and "underworld" that inhibit you from voting in favor of Article 95 ?

Yes, that's mainly it. I think it's too close to a religious afterlife for my tastes, and I believe that Bionicle should remain not very religious. That's all. :shrugs:



I have revised the wording of Article 95 to negate this contention. ;)


Article 95 - undecided, I dont really like the idea of a underworld but ill have a think over it and ill get back to you

There seems to be a bit of confusion, likely due to the placement between some other proposals, however it should be noted that Article 95 is really not specifically related to "The Underworld" concept that you seem to find somewhat disconcerting.


"UNDECIDED" on Article 93. I have placed my concerns regarding this article here.


"UNDECIDED" on Article 95. My primary concern is the inclusion of the Matoran tribes, no Matoran would naturally wield these Elements. Unless their proximity to the "Tuats" caused them to mutate into Matoran with those Elements.

This is just nitpicking but, I don't see the need to specify that each "Kingdom" had a "Tuat", merely state that there are six located throughout the MU and that a deceased person's soul has to pass through the nearest "Tuat" to reach "The Shadow Realm."


"UNDECIDED" on Article 96. When Takutanuva only needed Jaller's mask and the sacrificing of some of his own life force to bring Jaller back; why would a Hau, three heartlights, and a ritual be needed? This one is almost ridiculously too silly and laughable to think about.

I have done my best to quickly address your concerns involving Article 93. :shrugs:


Next, in regard to Article 95, it is precisely the geographic proximity of "The Ţuat" to "The Shadow Realm" that limits the source of the six tribes in question to having originated solely on one of those six islands. Furthermore, the inclusion of "The Six Kingdoms" in the description of "The Ţuat" is central to my subplot involving one of the six isles. :ohmy:


Lastly, it is my understanding that Article 96 pertains specifically to a decedent who wishes to return from "The Shadow Realm" by their own sheer force of will likely because they do not have the advantage of having a mythical Titan to assist in their endeavor. :P


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so its not an after life? Ok now im really confused.

Because i just dont support an after life at all.


Toa Zahaku

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What I'm saying is that personally I'm not talking specifically about the concept of an "Afterlife" in Article 95, rather I'm proposing the existence of six islands that serve to house gateways to another realm and are home to six specific tribes that are found nowhere else in the Matoran Universe.


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42- NAY, still. Turn into 'Rahi Control' for me, then I'll think about changing it. A Toa of 'Rahi' turning into any Rahi? Now it's a shapeshifting mask.

93- NAY. Toa of RAhi and Toa of Insects don't sound right. Rahi Control sounds more fitting.

94- AYE, however I ask that everyone use this with caution.

95- AYE. However, I think we'd all like to know the location of all Tuat.

96- AYE, again please use with caution.

97- AYE.

98- AYE.

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42- NAY, still. Turn into 'Rahi Control' for me, then I'll think about changing it.

Actually, he doesn't have to because as you can see from Article 93, "Rahi Control" is no longer a part of the proposed list. :ohmy:


95- AYE. However, I think we'd all like to know the location of all Tuat.

Well, once I get back to writing, follow the story and you'll find out. :P


Oh, and you'll all be glad to know that I wrote a bit this evening and plan to do much more this weekend. :happydance:


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42- NAY, still. Turn into 'Rahi Control' for me, then I'll think about changing it.

Actually, he doesn't have to because as you can see from Article 93, "Rahi Control" is no longer a part of the proposed list. :ohmy:


95- AYE. However, I think we'd all like to know the location of all Tuat.

Well, once I get back to writing, follow the story and you'll find out. :P


Oh, and you'll all be glad to know that I wrote a bit this evening and plan to do much more this weekend. :happydance:



Toa of Rahi? Now the mask is a shapeshifting Mask.

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Lastly, it is my understanding that Article 96 pertains specifically to a decedent who wishes to return from "The Shadow Realm" by their own sheer force of will likely because they do not have the advantage of having a mythical Titan to assist in their endeavor. :P

I gathered as much. I was referring to the way the resurrection was to occur. Why a Great Hau? Why three heartlights? Why nothing logical or reasonable like something personal of the deceased?

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42- NAY, still. Turn into 'Rahi Control' for me, then I'll think about changing it.

Actually, he doesn't have to because as you can see from Article 93, "Rahi Control" is no longer a part of the proposed list. :ohmy:


95- AYE. However, I think we'd all like to know the location of all Tuat.

Well, once I get back to writing, follow the story and you'll find out. :P


Oh, and you'll all be glad to know that I wrote a bit this evening and plan to do much more this weekend. :happydance:


Wait Rahi-control is no longer in the list? When did did that happen?


Toa Zahaku

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42- NAY, still. Turn into 'Rahi Control' for me, then I'll think about changing it.

Actually, he doesn't have to because as you can see from Article 93, "Rahi Control" is no longer a part of the proposed list. :ohmy:


95- AYE. However, I think we'd all like to know the location of all Tuat.

Well, once I get back to writing, follow the story and you'll find out. :P


Oh, and you'll all be glad to know that I wrote a bit this evening and plan to do much more this weekend. :happydance:


Wait Rahi-control is no longer in the list? When did did that happen?


Toa Zahaku


I'd like to know that, also. Rahi Control is much better sounding than a Toa of Rahi. That, and others may be using Rahi Control in their epics already.

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exactly, im pretty sure that Ausar, Kohila, myself and anyone else who has mentioned Toa of rahi control in their stories dont want to go back and edit every single mention of it.

I urge all C.I.R.C.L.E members to vote against it.

Edit: thanks to Kohila and Ausar for clearing this up for me. Dont vote against it.

Sorry for all the confusion


Toa zahaku

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exactly, im pretty sure that Ausar, Kohila, myself and anyone else who has mentioned Toa of rahi control in their stories dont want to go back and edit every single mention of it.

I urge all C.I.R.C.L.E members to vote against it.


Toa zahaku


I'll stick to that and say I agree with that statement.

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