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Bio Of Mt

MT Zehvor


Got bored one day and decided to make a bio of my self MoC. Enjoy.


The History of MT


MT, as he is known now, was not originally created as a Toa of Coffee. Almost no one is. He was created as a Toa of Fire on Planet Delarax by a Toa of Ice named Vundas. Vundas wanted a Toa of Fire to be able to cover the elements he couldn't. MT was poorly armored and almost had no real skills of his own except fire power when he was created, so Vundas didn't believe he would last long.


MT's very first form


However, MT, who was just referred to as "Vundas' Fire Toa" back then, was made during a time of relative peace in the area of Renok Nui on Delarax, so he was able to gain a lot of experience and training, both by following Vundas around and by simply doing training exercises himself, and in time, he was able to discover his mask power, the mask of shielding. MT spent around a million years here, as the tribes on Renok Nui were able to keep the peace and grow very powerful together.


However, Renok Nui's prosperity did not go unnoticed by the other inhabitants of Delarax. A group of warriors from the north grew jealous of Renok Nui and attacked, bringing Vundas and MT into the conflict. During the battle, Vundas faked his death and had another Toa tell MT what had happened. Enraged at his creator's destruction, MT charged into the battle and killed Vundas' "killer," taking Vundas' killers' sword, as MT had no real weapon outside of an unwieldy fire claw. MT saw the two letters "M...T" inscribed on the back as part of a word, but the letters inbetween were scratched out, and since he didn't have a name to this point, the Toa of Fire took the name "MT," as his own.


Renok Nui soon fell to it's opponents, and in a last ditch attempt to escape, MT activated a portal and went to Renu Nui. Believing him to be hostile, the leader of the dominant Toa team there, the Toa Klar, attacked MT, but MT was prepared and killed his attacker in the ensuing battle. MT took his defeated opponent's mask, which was called the Latto, and it was in the shape of an Avohkii. MT began switching between masks, using the Latto when he needed to teleport and the Hau when he needed to fight.


The rest of the Toa Klar were rather annoyed that MT had killed their leader, so MT spent most of the next thousand years running on Renu Nui. While that may seem like a long time to run, he spent a lot of it going to one village, living there for a while, and when the Toa Klar caught up, he would go to the next one. In this way he acquired a lot of new abilities, such as a grapple beam on his left arm and an ice beam infused in his sword. However, due to his being a Toa of Fire, he could not directly wield the ice beam, so it had to be infused with a set of missiles and then put in his sword. This limited his ammo, so MT began relying on his fire and grapple powers to defeat opponents.


Eventually, MT had a run-in with a "Hunter," one of the local groups of pirates in the area. Given the choice of "join or die," MT became a Hunter and started out on some low level missions. His partner was a not very bright but still useful ally called "Welder." Welder was known for his ability to fix things, and he carried a fire beam which he would weld things together with. MT eventually became good friends with Welder, and the two successfully raided many villages.


However, MT's old creator, Vundas, was not out of the picture yet. Tracking down his creation, Vundas arrived on Renu Nui and tried to get MT and Welder to join his cause. MT saw Vundas had changed rather dramatically in shape and color, and he was now glowing with energy. Believing him to not be in his right mind, MT refused, but Vundas followed up on that by creating a huge pool of some glowing substance and knocked MT and Welder into it. Welder was killed immediately, but MT managed to survive, and transform.


MT later awoke in the Hunter's base to find out that he had been infused with something. This something resembles coffee on Earth, but it is deadly and possessive. MT's colors hadn't changed violently, but the Hunters told him that they would in time. They gave him a supply of the new liquid and a way to wield it, exposing MT more and more to this "coffee."


MT, armed with a supply of coffee


In time, MT became bored of these missions he was given and raided the Hunter's base, stealing weaponry and taking out everyone with his new powers. This didn't bode well with the survivors, and they soon began to chase MT, using their own coffee powered weaponry. MT used his mask of teleportation to escape to Planet Mandex.


On Mandex, MT made a new friend in Toa Kralin, who introduced MT to Akaria, his tribe. MT learned that Akaria had been fighting against another tribe, Denlock, for control of the land, for about a hundred years. Eager to help his new friend, the coffee infused Toa of Fire joined Akaria. But, as MT quickly learned, the fight was not going to be over anytime soon.


MT, more exposed to coffee, takes aim at a Denlock member


The war would last for about a thousand years, mainly because the armies were so huge and because no one was really able to make any major gains in territory. Finally, Denlock broke through, and eventually surrounded Akaria. Believing Akaria to be done for, MT found Kralin, and they both escaped with the Latto. They teleported to another part of Mandex, where they founded the Order of Cafan, which secretly raided the now supreme Denlock. At it's height, the OoC included about 30 Toa and some other Matoran members, but it was never a real threat to Denlock.


However, Denlock's supremacy was not to last. Another group called the Gundar came from the south and wiped out Denlock, and everything else, including the OoC. In one of the battles, a huge Rahi killed Kralin, but MT used his coffee powers to down the Rahi. MT found out then that the Gundar were under the influence of Vundas, so MT set out, journeying with the Kanohi Latto through dimensions and over millions of years, he fought against the spread of coffee, even as his exposure to it turned him black and brown. Eventually, MT located Vundas' hideout, and used the Latto to teleport there.


Kralin's killer dies


Vundas' hideout was beneath Renu Nui, and when MT arrived, he could tell that Vundas had indeed changed from a Toa of Ice to a Toa of Frozen Coffee. MT made it through the base and the guards, and eventually dropped into a room down below, where he found Vundas. The first shot from Vundas shattered his Hau, so that left MT with his only mask left, his Latto. MT found his fire power was no use against Vundas, so he began using coffee. After a long, hard fight, MT overloaded Vundas' energy level, and MT's creator exploded in a flash of light.


MT and Vundas prepare to fight


MT escaped from the base, but not after the exposure to coffee had completely drained him of his fire powers and transformed him into a Toa of Coffee, leaving him extremely discolored. MT stole add-ons to his sword from a guard on the way out, allowing him to hold more missiles and ammunition weaponry.



Now without a home or friends, MT spent close to another million years teleporting between worlds. He eventually became a bounty hunter of sorts, and wound up with bounties to kill him on almost all planets. During this period of time, the small part of him that was still fire attempted to change his color back to red, but it ended up leaving him a dark sort of grey, with his torso still black and yellow, his feet still brown, and his mask and chest armor still silver.


Now afraid of all the bounty hunters that were coming after him, MT discovered the location of Earth, one of the last safe places in the galaxy. MT discovered there that all Bionicles are only 6 inches tall, so he shrunk himself to fit in. After spending a while in California, he met up with a group of other alive Bionicles and went to their house in Georgia, where he helped thwart many plots to take over the house, most of them by a Rahkshi named 4 Mask.


MT prepares to face off against 4 Mask


About 2 years later, Omega Mete, a coffee infused Toa of Cherry Slushies attacked the house and destroyed it. MT fled with his group of Toa Zehvor, but he was separated from them with another Toa, Mesonak, and another one of his friends, Omega Turtle. The three began to flee across the country, and wound up in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where they layed low, waiting for the day of vengeance...




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I never thought I'd live to see the day that this got a new post...lol...


What do you mean by the rest of the name? "MT" was the only two letters inscribed the the sword.



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YES! A new update on here means I don't have to do any work to find this page. So, I can place on here new and terrible information.


You know that sword with "MT" inscribed on it? Well, those were initials for something all right. For this:


[Four hours ago]


Me: So, you say you lost a sword at approximately the year MT took on his name?


Mr. T.: You homie, I totally lost a sword man! I totally lost a sword, the MT sword. MT for Mister T. Yeah, Mister T baby.


Me: Chuck Norris will kick your butt, you know that, right?


Chuck Norris: *Jumps in and kicks Mr. T. so hard he blows up*


[End Four Hours ago flashback]


Yep. MT means Mister T. Or Makuta Teridax. Or Maryland Terps. Or its just MT. We will never know.


-Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

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