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Kohila Public Service Announcement



Hello and thank you for reading this Blog Entry.


When I first joined BZPower, I sought it as a way to help me cope through the constant bickering between my parents. Believe me, it worked. So I kept using the site through the years and have grown to love it. Unfortunately, BZPower has become the problem now instead of the solution. It is now the year 2009 and too much of my time is spent here.


So, I've decided to take a short leave for a month or so before I feel like I can exist without this site.


I have a bunch of different things that I aim to do before I leave: Finish the redoing of my room, improve school, and most importantly reconcile with my mother.


The first of those is the least difficult. My bed has already been moved, I need to clean my floor, clean up my MOCing station, clean the closet for my bin of LEGO SYSTEM parts, move the mini-fridge up there from the garage ( B) ), and install some shelving units.


THe second is a bit harder. School had never been my strong suit because of the office feel. I normally like to do my schoolwork on the back porch in the fall or spring or my the fire during the winter. However, most of my time is spent on the computer instead of my school books.


The last of those remains to be the biggest of my overall problems. During the time I'm not spending in my room or in my school books will be sitting outside in deep meditation and thought on how to best handle the situation.

My current solution can be called a chemotherapy or double-edged sword; I've stopped all visitation with her to let wounds heal but also deprived myself of half of me, which is never a good thing to do.

I'll admit, she's never been a loving mother and I've never been the best son but I hope to try and salvage our relationship. That is to say, if she wants me as her son anymore.

My previous attempts to regain her as my mother have been directly futile and unfortunatly I have to wait until she realizes that her hate for my father has grown so rampant that my sister and I have been permanatly scarred from the experience instead of blowing us off like the selfish person she is; a real-life Cinderella story.

For example, if I were to live with her instead of my father, I would be sitting in a "Juvenille Reform School" for the rest of my teenage years because I still loved my father.

But I digress.


So, a month's leave from BZPower. I will continue to use the site for about three days. Sunday will be the last for a while.


If you wish to contact me during my leave, I'll be using IM sites. My AIM is TDWP1993 and my Yahoo! is TDWP_1993.



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Addendum by EW: Note that Kohila is never online on AIM without being busy, so adding him there is a futile act. ( :P ).



Anyways, I hope things get better and you actually accomplish what ya wanna accomplish. Don't be like me and limp to the finish line or just plain give up. And you know where I am if ya need a pep talk. XD



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That sounds fine. Most mature people do this some time or another. I hope everything goes as you planned, or better. Especially with obstacle number three.

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Aww... you gotta leave? We'll miss you, but thanks for the heads-up. Now, on to more serious matters.


The first is important, a clean, organized enviroment can make you feel better and more relaxed.


The second is also important as it takes time. And patience. And practice. And good time management. The last is my biggest weakness. Darned procrastination. <_<


The last is beyond important. Family matters. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. Just remember that both your parents are humans and humans are, as a rule, ignorant. This is something that needs to be settled between your parents in a one-on-one grown-up-like discussion(not an argument and most likely not with you). The first step in solving a problem is to realize there is one. The second step is to identify the problem. The third step is to analyze what is causing the problem. The fourth is to work towards solving the problem. As I don't know the details, I can't help you much futher, but I do hope for the best.


And remember, the best may not always be what you want.

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