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How To Live In Interesting Times [updated With Pics!]



"May you live in interesting times."
- Ancient Chinese curse

We live in a time of perpetual crisis. Wars and rumours of wars. Natural disasters. Financial collapse. Environmental degradation. These are the stuff of our everyday lives, especially if we pay attention to the news.

We are beset from every direction by voices begging to be heard. Everyone's got a message for us. The most insistent, pervasive voices are the ones trying to sell us something. A product. A service. An image. A moment of distraction. A quick fix. An answer, an explanation, a prediction. A belief system.

Hope. Fear.

"You need this," they tell us. "This is what you want, what you're looking for."


The cacophony is overwhelming.

Eventually, we become weary of it all, and desire only to tune out, to shut out all the noise. We retreat into nature, into blessed silence, where we can finally hear ourselves think.

And it is in the midst of quiet solitude that we find our truth.

Our beauty.

Our peace.


There is no purchase necessary. No belief required. No effort needed.

We realize we are free.

We are loved.

Perfection is.

All in the present moment.

And that is all that matters, right now. It is enough. Everything else seems but an illusion, far away, insignificant.


We realize that the game is to escape the game.

Play by the rules, and you will slowly lose.

Cheat, and you will only lose so much harder in the end.

Rebel, and you will be crushed.

Because you're still in the game.

The only way to win is to refuse to play.

Step outside it.

Make your own game.

But before you can do that, you have to find yourself.

Find your power.

And that's the challenge.


Good luck.

And may your interesting times be ever so much more FUN.




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Well, I wrote up a semi-long-winded response here about winning the game being the only thing that has the potential to matter in our tiny, insignificant lives, but it sounded awkward. So I deleted it, and decided just to enjoy the fact that I have longer hair that the resident neo-hippie. :P

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Ha! You stole that "find your power" bit from that one Bionicle slogan from 2001 Your philosophy is based in part upon a children's toy!


What this means, I'm not quite sure yet, but give me time. I'll figure it out.

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The first thing out of my head upon seeing that entry title was "OMG OMG DISCWORLD REFERENCE".


I suppose that says a whole lot more about me than anything else.

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Well, I wrote up a semi-long-winded response here about winning the game being the only thing that has the potential to matter in our tiny, insignificant lives, but it sounded awkward. So I deleted it, and decided just to enjoy the fact that I have longer hair that the resident neo-hippie. :P

"Resident neo-hippie." I like that. ... Hey, I'd better keep my hair! :o


Each of us has our own (VALID) definition of what "winning the game" entails, because we all see the game from our own (limited) perspective. Like the proverbial blind men trying to describe an elephant. They all said totally different things, but they were all just as right. And wrong. :psychotwitch:


Ha! You stole that "find your power" bit from that one Bionicle slogan from 2001 Your philosophy is based in part upon a children's toy!


What this means, I'm not quite sure yet, but give me time. I'll figure it out.

You got me, sarge. I'm totally ripping off BIONICLE. :rolleyes:


The first thing out of my head upon seeing that entry title was "OMG OMG DISCWORLD REFERENCE".


I suppose that says a whole lot more about me than anything else.

It is a Discworld reference. I have that book. ^_^ Terry Pratchett is winning the game, I tell you.



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The first thing out of my head upon seeing that entry title was "OMG OMG DISCWORLD REFERENCE".


I suppose that says a whole lot more about me than anything else.

It is a Discworld reference. I have that book. ^_^ Terry Pratchett is winning the game, I tell you.

Haz that book. the LULZ. XD

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Here's another perspective on "the game:"


It's not about winning the game, it's not about losing the game. It's about realizing the nature of the "game," and the fact that it's not about winning and losing - it's just about experiencing."

- David Icke, in conversation with Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy


I would add to that, that once you realize the nature of the game, become aware of who you really are, then you're in a position to define what "winning" means for you, and to make it happen. And that's not necessarily going to come from an ego perspective at all, the way we're so used to thinking. And, ultimately, regardless of whether we win or lose or ever make the realization that Mr. Icke is talking about, it really is all about simply experiencing - learning - growing.



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