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Kopaka's Ice Engineering


*giant dust cloud*




Sorry you haven't gotten to hear about me for the past......while. I've been busy. Wedding plans & stuff.


Well, that's not wholly true: I moved at the beginning of May, and I've spent a good chunk of time unpacking. Couple that with no internet access at work (firewall in the Yenni building), and Team Fortress 2, and it's been little but cricket chirping in my blog.


One of the neat things about getting married is the registry. It's traditional to commemorate the couple's new life together by showering gifts to start the new couple's household, as friends are able and willing to give.

Mind you, this is not a solicitation for gifts: we aren't greedy. We're grateful for any thing that arrives or doesn't arrive. If anything, the building and complete registry is a guide we've set for what we want our household to look like (stuff-wise) once we've settled in. Publishing the registry gives friends & family the opportunity to help fill in some of the first pieces of that stuff puzzle.


One of the things that arrived recently, from one of my bosses at Digital incidentally, is a duvet cover & pillow sham to go on the full bed in the front bedroom. This is the bed I've been sleeping on since, well, as long as I can remember (it was moved over here when I moved from under my parents' roof in 2005), and where I'll sleep until the wedding in...12 days, 16 hours & 28 minutes. Anyway, my boss got me an $80 duvet cover (comforter), and Amanda & I decided we could afford to purchase the matching $60 sheet set now, before the wedding. (This way, I can replace the well-worn sheet set on the bed now.)


Well, we used a 10% off coupon, the return of an extra candle ledge Amanda received at a shower in her office a couple of weeks ago, and a $25 gift card from someone at the shower at the church some weeks ago. Final out-of-pocket expense: 32 pennies. It was quite humorous, and blog-entry-worthy. I mean, I've catalogued so little of this process, at least this must be mentioned.



Also, live-action ATHF was made of pure, unadulterated fail. It was excruciating.


Good night, everyone.




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Well congrats on getting married soon! I've got a good friend who's also getting married soon. He was my Physics teacher (He is 23 now. He came straight out of college and into my school's Physics class). It was going to happen eventually since his sister is my sister's friend too. Heck, we even played a little XBox Live during the school year :P .


I wish you and Amanda the best. Good luck. :D

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