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How Am I Thought Of?



You know, I've sorta wondered about this. I mean, for active S&Ters, I can bet they probably have heard of me, if not know me. But for other forums, other folks, people less interested, (or maybe even those who are!), and whatnot -- what do they think of me here on BZPower, or even see me as?


It's interesting to see all sides to this story. I mean, I know from a fellow S&T geek buddy bngi that he obviously sees me as one in the same. Many folks may know me from BS01. But on another note, I was once in a chatroom with BZP folks (and some who weren't), and at first, very few ever really knew me. Heard of me, a little more likely, but it wasn't some mass agreement fact or anything.






P.S. - Man, haven't written in this blog since forever. I've been too busy with trying to work out BS01 things and schooling to really care, I suppose.


EDITSIES: Just wanted to point this out, which I wrote in my comment here...


P.S. -- One thing I've always wondered is if some people see me as a sort of mini-bones. I mean, I've seen his posts, I've seen his unparalleled gigantically huge theories/topics, and I've come to wonder if I'm starting to follow down the path of bones. People always say bones always gives these huge, explanatory posts, and I too strive for such posts whenever I do so (unless I just don't have that much to say). I'm also laid-back like the guy, and I keep my kuhl cool :P (inside for the guy, if he was able to be on to see this).


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You know, that's always a good question, wondering if people from other forums know who you are...


But how do I see you mighty Utopia, you're a S&T genious and a great guy. If I wasn't an occasional S&Ter, I wouldn't even know you though. :P

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Well, you probably don't know me, but I've been tracking your movements ever since you joined....... :fear:

Heh, not really. I sometimes think of that too. But the way I see you you're a genius at Bionicle, as well as a pretty cool guy.



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There will always be people who haven't heard of you. It only makes sense because not everyone visits S&T. If they don't know you, then what do you expect them to think of you? ;)


Honestly, they probably just think you are another rabid S&Ter. Is there something you wanted them to view you as? :P

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Well, you probably don't know me, but I've been tracking your movements ever since you joined....... :fear:

Heh, not really. I sometimes think of that too. But the way I see you you're a genius at Bionicle, as well as a pretty cool guy.



Too bad I beat you to it :P


I hsve been stalking Ut since he joined BS01 Wiki, and all the other members there too :P (Not kidding on this one)


As to answer you question Ut, I think you know the answer, I see everyone as animals (And cells, and microsopic animals, and a lot of other logic stuff :P) :)


~ Bioran

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I'd say you've matured since you've joined (in my eyes, I don't know about others). You have a great knowledge of Bionicle, and you are a great help to BZP.


That's what your fortune cookie says for today. :P

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Too bad I beat you to it :P


I hsve been stalking Ut since he joined BS01 Wiki, and all the other members there too :P (Not kidding on this one)

You're stalking me! :fear: (:P)


I think your popular around the forums Utopia. Am I you fwiend? :P

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Mike, thanks man. :P (It's all I really have to say there)


Torhuki, oh I believe I've seen you around ;)


Wa to the second power, well of course if you never visited the S&T or BS01 you probably wouldn't know me. Where else would I go? :P


*My...preeecioouuuuusss foooorruuummmsssiesss....*


Bioran, I have no doubt that you have. After I became a wiki Moderator, I started to as well :P. (Hopefully such a comment doesn't scare away the editors :lol: )


Advocate, u thunk so eh? lol. Heh, kidding. Yea, I wouldn't doubt it. I searched my posts up, and man -- it seems like my posts have more meaning now than back then. Of course, I was also not one for posting much, and I was also trying to find my place at the time. *hugs S&T*


KA, sure, why not? :D


The guy formerly known as TI (:P), there's such a topic? Where?




P.S. -- One thing I've always wondered is if some people see me as a sort of mini-bones. I mean, I've seen his posts, I've seen his unparalleled gigantically huge theories/topics, and I've come to wonder if I'm starting to follow down the path of bones. People always say bones always gives these huge, explanatory posts, and I too strive for such posts whenever I do so (unless I just don't have that much to say). I'm also laid-back like the guy, and I keep my kuhl cool :P (inside for the guy, if he was able to be on to see this).

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I don't really see you as a mini-bones. I mean you both know alot about the storyline and both are very heplful, but somehow you two just seem different. No Idea why, though. :lol:

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Mike, thanks man. :P (It's all I really have to say there)


Torhuki, oh I believe I've seen you around ;)


Wa to the second power, well of course if you never visited the S&T or BS01 you probably wouldn't know me. Where else would I go? :P


*My...preeecioouuuuusss foooorruuummmsssiesss....*


Bioran, I have no doubt that you have. After I became a wiki Moderator, I started to as well :P. (Hopefully such a comment doesn't scare away the editors :lol: )


Advocate, u thunk so eh? lol. Heh, kidding. Yea, I wouldn't doubt it. I searched my posts up, and man -- it seems like my posts have more meaning now than back then. Of course, I was also not one for posting much, and I was also trying to find my place at the time. *hugs S&T*


KA, sure, why not? :D


The guy formerly known as TI (:P), there's such a topic? Where?




P.S. -- One thing I've always wondered is if some people see me as a sort of mini-bones. I mean, I've seen his posts, I've seen his unparalleled gigantically huge theories/topics, and I've come to wonder if I'm starting to follow down the path of bones. People always say bones always gives these huge, explanatory posts, and I too strive for such posts whenever I do so (unless I just don't have that much to say). I'm also laid-back like the guy, and I keep my kuhl cool :P (inside for the guy, if he was able to be on to see this).

Mini-bones are cute :P


Could you gimme one? XD


~ Bioran


P.S You aren't as difficult as Bones, you are even more difficult then Bones. :P It often takes me half and hour to find out what does your post means...

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It's great that someone has the courage to do this kind of a blog entry. I mean, most of the members of BZP do think about what other BZP members think of them (including me, I admit :)). Some people, like WaWa, are more mature, I guess.


For some reason, everyone wants to get famous. Become staff would be a dream coming true to so many BZPers. When you're known, you're cool B).


You know, the coolest thing about this blog entry is that I get mentioned in it--it means someone knows me! That's just so cool and awesome and great and superb and all that stuff.


My theory is that you're more known than what you think you are. I follow many BZPers who probably never have heard of me. Many of them are staff members. Some are MOCers. Some S&T people. I guess many people do the same.


If you'd like a longer, honest description of what I think of you, read on... I think you're one of the current top S&T geeks, theorizers, helpers and fact-knowers. No doubt every even slightly active S&Ter has seen your post. You make loads of good points, bring in good facts, ask Greg a ton of stuff. And use loads of :P smileys :). I always read your post if I see it in a topic. I even appreciate you as a S&T geek, seriously :).


If you're still interested in the mental picture... well, the white Ice Toa is still strongly present, but you have dark and a bit messy hair.


Mini-bones? Don't get disappointed when I say no. bones was and is unique. Aren't we all? If you dream of a reputation as big as he had, IMO you have all the chances to achieve that, but I think you should achieve it as Utopia, not as bones2.0 :).

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~ Bioran


P.S You aren't as difficult as Bones, you are even more difficult then Bones. :P It often takes me half and hour to find out what does your post means...[/b][/color]


Oh, I suppose what I say is too advanced for you to understand? :P


Most people get what I say, as I tend to explain it out with usually fair-sized posts. There are some who don't get what I say, just because "it has a lot of words" or "it has a lot of confusing quotes", but whichever. Anyway, I hoped you were in the majority of people who can comprehend my posts (kidding :D).


Bngi, I must say your post has me sold (whatever that means :lol: )


Everyone wants to know how they are thought of, but personally, I don't care all that much if I'm famous on BZP or anything. I'm BS01 staff, and I've been quite content with that. But anyway: storyline geek indeed :P <-- another tongue-sticking smilie!


Oi, I'm sure I'll be a perfect society, and not a skeleton :P I wouldn't want to be a literal mini-bones, but just in the fact that it seems like we both make huge posts with explanations and all that jazz.


I guess it's that it seems like I'm one of those folks who I think have more in common with bones that other S&T geeks. We both use :P (or smilies in general) and are very laid back, to name two other similarities...


But aye, it's always good to know how I'm thought of. :)



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I'm BS01 staff, and I've been quite content with that.

I truly agree. :)


Being wiki staff is already enough for me...to be honest, I never even wanted to be BZP staff, it rips you from so much priviellges... (I mean, you can't go around posting for fun etc. etc.)


~ Bioran


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