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In Wake Forest Now...





My family and I have arrived in Wake forest and we will be here for the next week (I believe we leave on Saturday morning). For those of you who didn't read my last blog entry, my dad is here to teach at Southeastern Baptist Seminary. :) Prayers would be welcome for my dad though; he did not sleep well at all last night, and considering that he will be teaching for about eight hours a day he's gonna need alot more rest. Please pray that he will be able to get to sleep faster and sleep more soundly for the remainder of the week (I think that he was just wired because of his teaching) Thanks! ^_^


What have I been doing though? Well, for the most part I have been reading Showdown by Ted Dekker (if you've never heard of him, you have to look him up! You will love his books if you like good, solid, christian fiction/fantasy. His plots will twist themselves around your brain until you're dizzy! He is an amazing writer!) In addition, my sister and I have been playing through Myst IV: Revelation like crazy. We are approaching the end already (I think)


Oh, and I also purchased a used copy of Metroid Prime 2: Echoes the other day! While the box is pretty banged up, the disk is in near-perfect condition. Sadly though, I failed to bring my Game Cube, so I'll just have to wait until I get home to play it... Ah well. :rolleyes:


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Mmm, I'll pray.


But it sounds like you've been having a good time... Reading and playing video games. It's weird though, I've never really played anything but PC (a few exceptions) so I'm not the best gamer. :D


Hope you have fun!! :)




This is for you:




:kaukau: -JG

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