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School Is Over

Jean Valjean


:kaukau: Yes, it is true. It is the sweet, free feeling of summer. I walked away from the old building, the sound of the Imperial March fading away as I put distance between it and myself. Carried to me by the light sun-kissed breezes is the score titled Across the Stars, filled with romance.


Actually, yeah, the last day of school was pretty bad. All we did was sign out. Most people were in band and were away in Denver while I'm stuck back in Iowa. However, I didn't really care about that, because I will be going to Houston Texas next year anyways.


What made it bad was that there was this one certain particular distinct extra-special very important girl. I made a point to myself several days before that, since she wasn't in band and would be attending school that last day, that there was nothing stopping me from hanging out with her. It would seem normal, right, since all my other friends were away, right? Did I not also want to take my first steps towards being friends and stop being shy? I have been wanting to spend a day with her for years now. It was finally my chance.


And...I blew it. I simply blew it. I was in the same room as her almost the whole time and I could only bring myself to look at her from across the room. She was busy doing stuff on the computer. I pretended to be busy and typed on a word document and also wrote a ton of digits of pi down on a sheet of paper.


I tried to get the courage to at least bid her farewell as she left school. I did, but it was all the way from across the lunch room. It was awkward. I don't even know if she heard me. What's more, I forgot to run out of school shouting at the top of my lungs with joy.


It was all very lonely. For a day, my life was quiet.


Every dog has his day. I guess mine just has yet to come.


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh


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