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Oh... Darn...



Reading some posted information on my school's website, I was apparently supposed to request a locker weeks ago... during my lunch period. I know that they were shouting about something, but in the lunchroom you can barely hear yourself think. So now I think I should get this all straightened out so I'm not like "Umm... what do I do now?" on the first day of school ><


And I also get all the new teachers for classes... I hope they are nice ._.


Oh, and I really am begging that the ten page essay is a creative writing thing... I mean, I can't write another essay about "The Wonders of Paper".


You sit down for two hours trying to write a five page report on paper [Paper being the topic]. It... was the most boring and dull two hours of my life. That was sixth grade too ><


Oh, and looking back in sixth grade to my current handwriting... it's just... wow. I wrote normal sized in sixth, but now I write so small that I've had a few complaints from teachers about it. I don't get it, I can read it fine, from a distance, but no one else can. Gah, you people should have heard how my group stumbled with words when trying to read the article I hand wrote. I had to get up there and read it out loud myself, and I hate doing that.


My excuse is that I save paper.


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My handwriting's more sloppy and skinny than most girl's handwriting... Sometimes teachers and peers can't make out what I wrote, although I do just fine. xP


And on the paper essay, the only kind of thing with that situation I can do is write about writing. =P

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And on the paper essay, the only kind of thing with that situation I can do is write about writing. =P

I did an essay on Paper and a website with an entire page on it dedicated to writing and explaining how I go about it for computer class. I would have gotten a B, had it not been for the 6000 word "essay" I put in it. So I got an A =P

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Handwriting is always a strange thing...at school, people tell me my handwriting is nice and neat. At home, I'm told my handwriting is incomprehensible. Go figure.


Saving paper ftw.^.^



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My handwriting has become less illegible over the school year. It used to be really scribbly and the circles were hard to tell from lines. Now there's less of that.


And I'm sorry, but I REALLY hate tiny handwriting. I can read it, but I find it difficult. I mean, sure, it's better than writing really huge and sloppy, but it's hard to tell (in some peoples') letters like "c" and "e" apart, especially if it's in light pencil. And I have really good eyes.


Also, writing papers on assigned topics is excessively dull. Creative writing (without a prompt, PLEASE) is way easier, especially because I have a constant stream of story ideas going through my head daily.

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