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Wow... A Second Time.



Due to getting 10 hours of sleep in the middle of the day, I stayed up all night... again, but I watched a show. The show itself lasted 13 episodes, but the ending was just... wow. Three perspectives are handed over at the end of how things could have happened, but they tied in realistically so it wasn't like "What the bamboozles?".


I don't think I should really mention the name of the show, since it's really not all too appropriate for the audience BZP is aimed at... but I dunno. Just playing it safe.


I loved the opening theme... I have no idea what it's actually called and will probably look it up.


And guess what? I now have another thing to save up for: the manga for this series. [i don't normally purchase manga since I get intimidated by the number of volumes some shows have ._. -- but with this, it shouldn't be too much.]


The reason why I enjoyed it was because it had the amount of blood and gore that makes things fun, and those really touching moments that would make people tear up a bit... or not at all, since such things don't effect some. But... it was probably one of the best anime series I've seen: well if you take out some of the Gundam things.


So yeah, that's how I spent my night... since TV sucked and no one was around to talk to. I do not regret it, but my wallet will eventually.


Inspired soooooooooo many things though; music and show included. [As in; the opening/ending theme and the show, not that it inspired more music and shows ><].


-As a last statement: I liked the opening theme much, much, much more than the ending one. But that's just me. Oh, and the ending was definitely something I had never seen done before... with the different views and such.


So yeah, it was awesome and... yeah.




I know what I could do... just buy one issue of the manga a year... well... maybe reading one a year... since it might not be so easy to get later on; and I say this more because rushing to the end of something good sucks when you get there. I like to take my time and enjoy things... well, I blame the show for making me go "Zomg... what's next?" and thinking... made me think a lot.


Like with the recurring melody thing, hummed in the beginning by the killer [split personalities are awesome too ^^] and with the music box [Pops up a lot... but is kewl ^^, and the opening theme. They're all the same melody, just sound a bit different due to the fact that the opening had instruments and a voice; the music box had its thing [i don't know how they operate fully, kay?] and going "Na, na, na..." is different.


And above is probably a really long run-on sentence, but I don't care enough to fix it.


Or proofread this entry.


EDIT: Wow I'm stupid, the name of the song was written on the box... and I should have remembered what it was called from a whiiiiile ago ><


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You don't have to necessarily purchase the manga, just borrow from a library or friend, or read it in-store (like I plan to do this summer xP).

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You don't have to necessarily purchase the manga, just borrow from a library or friend, or read it in-store (like I plan to do this summer xP).


Library doesn't have it, and I have no friends around here who would have it XP

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Then the latter option would work. =P


I actually tried to read something in-store, and it was annoying cuz I couldn't keep my place, and I'm never in the store for long cuz I'm apparently the only one who likes to read in my family XP

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