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Epics Contest And Boots Full Of Sand




LOOKIT LOOKIT NEW EPICS CONTEST GO SEE GO SEE!! munkeymunkey is hosting it and it's really cool! I even posted in it! I had a QUESTION. But he said 'no'. :(

I'm redecoratiiiiiiiing!
I sure liked my other banners and blocks, with screenshots from the Voya Nui Online Game, but hey, I figured I should keep up with the times.

- I updated my calendar, starting in June they have Bara Magna backgrounds
- I even made July and put it up in case I get busy
- New block on the left of the screen and new header-bar above this here text

And I've begun compiling a list of posts that I like. Somebody posts something amusing, it's worth sharing, if I see it I'll put a link to it. They're hiding on the lower left of the page, so people who are curious enough to scroll down have something interesting to see! If I get into the habit of this, I'll probably put a banner up and link them all in an entry so it's easier to go through. And it won't clutter up the page.

Now I'm going to get some sleep, but when I come back, I'm going to re-arrange my blog categories. I need a new picture to link to my categories, but frankly my arrangement is a mess and rather unsuitable.


Recommended Comments

Decor: Why thank you. :D


Post history: If I do agree so myself.


Contest: Ehh, no big. I pretty much posted that Q just incase anybody else was wondering it. And, if MM had said 'yes', I would have had the slightest incline to try an entry... but I'm too busy at work, anyway. So all's well!

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