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Deadly Dork Drama



With the course of only a few airsoft games, I have quickly become the team's stealth expert and loose cannon.


I am the only person they have had who will bury himself 3/4 into muddy undergrowth and then burst out with a *rubber* knife and snag the enemy who has the most powerful weapon, then take it and use it on his unsuspecting allies.


I am the only person to have literally crawled through an entire firefight and pick off the enemy snipers from behind, then vanish with both of their guns.


I am the only one to escape, return, and kill both of the guards in the Prison Break scenario.




I love Airsoft- it's actually pretty amazing how easy it is to be stealthy. Well, provided you're fighting in a thickly overgrown forest like we do. Just slap a ton of mud over your already completely black Jason mask, plaster a bunch of ferns to it. Break off from the rest of the team and crawl your way around the whole time. Only open fire once, and make it count. I killed 3 guys in one controlled burst with my P90 *which I happily named "Peon"* .


Sure, your body will ache for days and you'll be covered in scabs and cuts/gashes from crawling through entire pricker bushes, but man. It's worth it.


I'll try and get my friend Tyler to give me some of the pictures he took from some of the games and put them up later for my own selfish satisfaction B}


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I am the only person they have had who will bury himself 3/4 into muddy undergrowth and then burst out


I am the only person to have literally crawled through an entire firefight and pick off the enemy snipers from behind,


The one and only time I went to a paintball forest... that was me.


Everyone there was a bunch of reject weirdos that thought they were military geniuses.

However, the other team (also reject weirdos) had these 3 Japanese dudes in draped camo who didn't speak English and carried fully automatics.


The whistle would blow and those 3 just went BAM straight to the ground to go and steal our flag on their bellies time and again. Noone really noticed them until after many games.


In the last game, I let all the yahoos go howling off into the woods and I just jumped behind a tree into like 3 feet of mosquito-infested water. Inevitably, they showed up and I held them from our flag without getting hit.


I snagged one and held the other two down until the game was over... even though I'd run out of ammo and was just tossing pebbles when I fired to make them not realize it.


: p

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Sounds like fun. Unfortunately I've never had any experience with any of those kind of games.


Also MONSTER NECROMANCER but I just found your blog, so...

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Maaaaaaaaaaan, I wish I could go paintballing or airsofting.


*wants either a full-auto M16 or some sort of gas airsoft rifle, plus a gas Desert Eagle*




Also, lotsa prickers over at the new place *inherited it from my grandfather*, so I gotta learn how to go up there without getting repeatedly cut by 'em... Which I already do. >>

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