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Four Toa, One Mission



I'm currently working on writing an epic about four Toa who somehow get their memory wiped. I haven't thought of a reason why yet :P . They find themselves on an island with no idea who, what or where they are. Though some Toa where effected more than the others. One in particular is this guy. I haven't thought of a name for him, but I'm using that to my advantage. He was effected by the memory wipe the most. And this story is written in first person about him. The other characters don't have definite names yet, except for Aqual.


I'm also working on a game for this story, using all my own sprites. Though I'm still getting the controller to work efficiently.


Here's the character: IPB Image


How do you like it? :D


I might name him Akhanre... I don't know.


Anyway, I have a name for the story, but I'm not going to reveal it yet. :sly: I hope to complete this. I tend to move on to other projects and forget the ones I started. :sarcastic: I need to work on that. So I'm going to try to finish this. I really think it'll be a great story... with a game!


:a: :m:



1 Comment

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Ooh, that's pretty cool.


I love coming up with Toa, mask powers, and elements. I've been working on my own set of six for some time now. Looks like you have a solid team; nice work on them. :fonz: That story sounds interesting...


That's a really small sprite... It looks good, though. :)



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