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Nevermind, I'm not gonna join.


I lied. :P


Name: Anaraznal


Species: Former toa of fire, now mutated beyond belief


Mask: Mask of mind-reading (It was fused into his armor)


Apperance: solid black, triple jointed legs, head of a deformed bull, a long tail with what looks like four tuffs at the end. Carrys a staff


Abilities: Mind Bending, insanity inducing, scheming huge systematic plans, creating unmoving clones for confusing.


Personality: Insane, doesn't care who gets killed when trying to complete a goal, the ultimate schemer, has a strange connection to rahi, hates toa


Bio (I know this shouldn't be here, but whatever): Anaraznal was a toa of fire on a small island. A makuta scientist named Lokaer kidnapped him and "Did everything he knew to him", sending him to his current form. When he was returned to his island they shunned and attacked him. The side affects of the experiment caused him to go on a rampage, and within a week had the island systematicly destroyed, not leaving a single stone rat or anything alive. Shortly afterward he became overridden with guilt and hid in a cave, wondering why he killed his past comrads and all his homeland. But soon insanity set in. He began to think that what he did was for the better, and that he ended them because it was the right thing to do and that they must be stoped. He knew that there must be other islands that must be destroyed, and join the organization because "He felt they were the only people on the same page as him".


@Velox: Personally, I like the ice mountain or jungle. More secluded. I'm fine with volcanic, also.


And, when does it start so I can start running around and slipping poison into enemy villages food supply? :P

Insanity inducing sounds like a really god-moddy (unfair/overpowered) ability, I'd get rid of that.


Wait guys, I have a question:


Lets say we wanted to do something big, like spread a disease through ta-metru or something. Would we have to be approved in order to do it?


Also I cant wait to burst out the day it opens and just own people. It'll be sick.

For one thing, there isn't a Ta-Metru. The new island is a more primitive one called Locus Albeo.


And I'd say something that big would have to be approved by the staff, yes, just to be on the safe side.


"Just owning people" is allowed, of course, but just make sure you do it realistically. You have to give your opponent an opportunity to react, instead of saying "I own you and you die the end." Just some friendly advice for the newcomers. :)

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Nevermind, I'm not gonna join.


I lied. :P


Name: Anaraznal


Species: Former toa of fire, now mutated beyond belief


Mask: Mask of mind-reading (It was fused into his armor)


Apperance: solid black, triple jointed legs, head of a deformed bull, a long tail with what looks like four tuffs at the end. Carrys a staff


Abilities: Mind Bending, insanity inducing, scheming huge systematic plans, creating unmoving clones for confusing.


Personality: Insane, doesn't care who gets killed when trying to complete a goal, the ultimate schemer, has a strange connection to rahi, hates toa


Bio (I know this shouldn't be here, but whatever): Anaraznal was a toa of fire on a small island. A makuta scientist named Lokaer kidnapped him and "Did everything he knew to him", sending him to his current form. When he was returned to his island they shunned and attacked him. The side affects of the experiment caused him to go on a rampage, and within a week had the island systematicly destroyed, not leaving a single stone rat or anything alive. Shortly afterward he became overridden with guilt and hid in a cave, wondering why he killed his past comrads and all his homeland. But soon insanity set in. He began to think that what he did was for the better, and that he ended them because it was the right thing to do and that they must be stoped. He knew that there must be other islands that must be destroyed, and join the organization because "He felt they were the only people on the same page as him".


@Velox: Personally, I like the ice mountain or jungle. More secluded. I'm fine with volcanic, also.


And, when does it start so I can start running around and slipping poison into enemy villages food supply? :P

Insanity inducing sounds like a really god-moddy (unfair/overpowered) ability, I'd get rid of that.


kk sonds gud lol


Wait guys, I have a question:


Lets say we wanted to do something big, like spread a disease through ta-metru or something. Would we have to be approved in order to do it?


Also I cant wait to burst out the day it opens and just own people. It'll be sick.

For one thing, there isn't a Ta-Metru. The new island is a more primitive one called Locus Albeo.


And I'd say something that big would have to be approved by the staff, yes, just to be on the safe side.


"Just owning people" is allowed, of course, but just make sure you do it realistically. You have to give your opponent an opportunity to react, instead of saying "I own you and you die the end." Just some friendly advice for the newcomers. :)


I know, I meant like I can go around and terrorize villiages and stuff and stuff. Basiclly Anarazal specializes in biological warfare. :P


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Meh... Maybe if it were to be colored, or caught of fire.


Though I like the city-sword thing. But why settle for a city? Why not wait until the map goes up, then stick a flaming sword through Locus Abeo itself?

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Hay guise.

Sorry to tell you, but I wont be here for the grand opening on sunday. I might, but it'll be late.

Sorry, guess I'll have to wait to start poisoning people. :(
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Hay guise.


Sorry to tell you, but I wont be here for the grand opening on sunday. I might, but it'll be late.


Sorry, guess I'll have to wait to start poisoning people. :(


Darn. :(


(Poisoning is fun, LOL.)

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I dunno if I like the red/green. Too Christmas-y.


Though, we're thinking of having a burning city with a sword. That kind of "says" our club more, any way. This is too piratey . . .


The red eyes and silver swords are nice, though.



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Alright, I have everyones profile except for Phauxx's, Velox's, and Nuju's.



~ :e: :e: :k: :m_o:


Don't worry, Eeks, my profiles will be ready soon. :)

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Alright, I have everyones profile except for Phauxx's, Velox's, and Nuju's.



~ :e: :e: :k: :m_o:


Don't worry, Eeks, my profiles will be ready soon. :)


Same here.


In just a couple hours.


Which, I really shouldn't be on right now, but I'm waiting for my sister to get out of the shower which takes forever lol.



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I dunno if I like the red/green. Too Christmas-y.


Though, we're thinking of having a burning city with a sword. That kind of "says" our club more, any way. This is too piratey . . .


The red eyes and silver swords are nice, though.



What green? O_o

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"Yar har feebledeedee, being a pirate is alright to be, do whaaat you want 'cause a pirate is free, you are a pirate!"


And yeah, that's yellow. I am colorblind, but not that colorblind.

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