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I am still looking for any writer who can make a good script for a super sneaky prodject I have planned. It will be an animation, I hope to be at least 20 minutes long. I have a basic Idea already, but I need someone to present it to me in a better way I can. Plus, I don't have time to write it. If you want to, send me an example of your work you've done before, and maybe I can accept you. It will be Mnolg style, maybe better.


Now for some story time.


My cousins from texas have been staying with us for vacation. Unfortunately, one of my relatives brought her grandchildern. I wouldn't mind, but now I'm their un-officail babysitter. It was fun at first, but now I am starting to be buged by this. Mostly how they treat my things. Issac left my xbox on for the whole day on the main menu of kung-fu panda. I told him after turning off the xbox to be carefull with overheating. He understood. I went upstairs to talk to my brother, and when I came down, I found the ps2 on with an M rated game inside. Issac is only 7. Nowadays, he dosen't play the games as much, but It still gets me mad thinking about it. I've been getting in a lot of pain ever since they moved in. My aching knee, scraped shin... The list goes on. They find a lot of fun in stabbing me with pencils also. Rick and Claudia say I'm good with kids, but I can't stand it anymore. I love my cousins, but they need to leave the kids at home.


Also, I may be gone for a few weeks. I'm going to new jersy to see some old friends of mine. It may be as while untill I get back on, but I leave on the 30th this month.


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