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My, My.



So I joined;


-Bionicle Kingdoms: Nightfall

-City of Ruins

-The New and Improved BZPRPG

-Abyssal Plain



And I wrote up;


-One character for BK: N

-One character for CoR

-Five characters for the BZPRPG

-One character for Abyssal Plain [Deleted the old]

-One character and a species for Bloodstorm.


And I also have;


-Fun plans for some of my BZPRPG characters [Meserina/Zrad/Anzeiger]

-Nothing in mind for BK: N as of yet

-Am going to run the CI alone when CJ leaves for seven weeks ._.

-Current stuff BZPRPGwise to get done

-Some plans for Bloodstorm


And that's about it when it comes to RPG plans and new stuff. So yeah, I was bored.




-Set up a new account with a new bank [Four hours sitting in a chair... whee...]

-Had to sign off for a FedEx package... took a minute.

-Chore stuff.

-Sorting stuff.

-Working on DB

-Making some stuff.

-Doing some secret stuff.

-Fireworks we have.

-Must blow up fireworks in somewhere legal.



That's it.


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