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Black Six Is My Mom's Hairdresser's Uncle's Brother's Uncle's Cousin's Grandson's Neighbor



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The BZ-Metru Story, Prologue and Chapter 2, Revisited

An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

Mahatma Gandhi (1869 - 1948), (attributed)


I am Ninjo, Administrator of BZ-Metru.


I am about to die.


I sit, broken and battered, on the outskirts of my city. My legs are broken. I cannot move my arms; my sleeves are stained with blood. I am in unbearable pain, pain that a normal member of this site couldn’t stand for more than a few seconds before dieing.


But I am not a normal member.


None is my equal. I am respected and adored. I have helped hundreds, no, thousands of members with their problems. I have saved countless lives, banned countless criminals. I am loved by all.


But because no one is my equal, does not mean there cannot be one greater than me.


He is Dimensioneer, the founder of BZ-Metru.


He is about to kill me.


His heart has become corrupt. He no longer wishes to serve and protect the city, only to rule it with an iron fist. When I learned of his plan to take over the city, I made the mistake of confronting him.


He attacked me. We fought from the top of the Admin’s Palace to the deep caverns beneath. And here our fight will end, outside the city I love, in the Great Desert. He is standing over me as I lie here, with his sword against my throat.


“First you deceive the other Administrators, then you try and pollute the minds of the members with that fiend Hapori Dume. And now, now you try to destroy the site altogether with that "KimPower" nonsense. You're truly a madman,” I say. I hope that I might change his heart, though I know that my effort is useless. I am only wasting the little energy I have left.


"It is all part of a bigger plan, my friend,” he replies. He smiles as he speaks; a smirk. I am disgusted. He doesn’t care for the members of the city, only for himself.


“Don't call me a friend.”


"Very well, Ninjo. You know you can't win. Join me, and you will have fame. Fortune. Glory. Anything you could ever desire." He tries to tempt me. I pity him who would be enticed by his offer.


"What I ‘desire’ is the exact opposite of what you want."


"So you will not side with me?" He tries once more.


"Never." His attempt is in vain.


"Then you must die, so you cannot reveal my plans."


He raises his sword to strike. I do not close my eyes, or wince. Killing me would be a blessing, so that I will not have to see the evil he will bring.


He pauses, as if he is thinking of something. A strange look, almost thoughtful, comes across his face. I am shocked as he lowers his sword.


"I have a better idea... much better indeed."


Rain begins to fall. Wind begins to blow sand from the desert through the air, burning my eyes. Lighting strikes in the distance.


"I, Dimensioneer, as the founder and Forum Administrator of BZ-Metru, restrict this member known as Ninjo from entering the forums for 5 years."


I gasp.


"After which he will be allowed to return and will aid me in my conquest."


“You can't do that! There's no way you can make me help you!" I scream. Nothing frightens me more than helping him.


"There is one way... a virus." He smiles again, cruelly.


He takes a bottle from his belt and takes a pill out of it. He grabs my jaw and forces my mouth open. I am in no state to resist. He shoves the pill down my throat, which I have no choice but to swallow.


Pain shoots up my spine. That, combined with the pain I am already in, is too much even for me. I begin to writhe in the sand. My mind begins to cloud over. Darkness is closing in…



It is raining. Hard. I walk through the streets of BZ-Metru. The Virus controls my actions; only it knows my destination.


I see the headlights of a limo approaching in the darkness. The Virus ducks into an alley and pulls out a gun that Dimensioneer gave to it at the city gates. The Virus pulls the trigger of the gun, firing it with dead on precision. The shot blows out a tire of the limo as it passed. It slows to a stop.


The rain makes it hard to see, but I make out a man in a drivers cap exiting the car. The Virus puts the gun back into my coat and draws a knife out of my pocket. The Virus walks slowly toward the man, who is kneeling at the front right tire. I watch in horror as the Virus stabs the man, killing him.


I am shocked. I want to scream. But I can’t. I am only a bystander to this madness.


The Virus retreats back into the alley. It waits, almost ten minutes. Finally another man exits the limo. His height gives his identity away. It is Bionicle Rex, Administrator of BZ-Metru.


I realize the Virus’ objectives. It is to kill Bionicle Rex.


Rex trips over the dead body. The Virus comes out of the alley. The Virus stabs Rex.


Rex topples to the ground, dead.


The Virus moves away. If I could speak I would curse Dimensioneer’s very name, but the Virus’ control over me has obliterated my abilities to speak and hear. I am deaf and dumb.


I do not know what the Virus will do next. It might kill all of BZ-Metru for all I know.


I have no hope for living freedom. For five long years I have been at the mercy of the Virus and Dimensioneer, and there are no signs of that stopping. I only have one hope: to die.


Death is the only way to achieve true freedom from this living Karzahnii.





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I sit, broken and battered, on the outskirts of my city. My legs are broken. I cannot move my arms; my sleeves are stained with blood. I am in unbearable pain, pain that a normal member of this site couldn’t stand for more than a few seconds before dieing.


That should by dying.


Looks pretty good.

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