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Kendan Disbanded.



Due to circumstances beyond my control, the Kendan have been disbanded. :(




And now I'm stuck with this name for 23 or so days... >.<


:infected: Meso :infected:


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KTM art done.




I think I overdid blue. Now, with a floor and sky:




Oh and Meso could you create a new blogpost for the art please, so I can keep track of who's yet to be done, and so I can post it all in a relevant place. Thanks.

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I can't seem to post an image there, I'll just stick them here. And, I'm an author too :P ! (Shattered Mind ring any bells ... :P)


@CB: Yup.


I fixed ur commentz. :P-Meso


EDIT: I've just had a thought - Maybe KTM, Meso and me could all co-write the new epic? That would be awesome. Allthough, a rule would have to be that we can't kill off anybody without the other two's approval. Just a thought.


EDIT 2: As well as that, do I have permission from all Ventorus to include you in a Short Story? Plus, please can I have a list of all Ventorus, with appearances and powers and stuff?

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Meso, your blog ain't there any more - dunno why - and Toa Spirit - want me to PM you the profile or get Meso to make a profile blog entry or us to just post it here?



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Short Story Rough Draft

Okay .... This might not actually be ever posted - although it's extremely likely that it will. Right, here goes --

The Name: Upon Moonlit Woods
Plot: When the Toa Ventorus go on a routine training mission in the forests of an unnamed southern chain island, KTM, their leader is kidnapped by Dark Hunters who ride off into the night on Rahi beasts. The Toa give chase, but must get KTM back before Sunrise or they must leave him at the mercy of the Dark Hunters and travel to Stelt to intercept a Makuta weapons trade. And, as the night goes on, time is running out ...
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Awesome. Can't wait for it.


My Profile:



Chaotic Being (Codename, no-one knows his real one)



Male (I think you know that)



A loner, laid back, sarcastic, hard fighter



White and black battle scarred armor, tall. CB is constantly on fire with BLUE fire. He can turn it on and off at will.




Accesible in Normal Form


Chaos Lightning (Blue Lightning)

Chaos Fire (Blue Fireballs)

Chaos Strike (A Punch Charged With Chaos Energy, THAT REALLY HURTS)

Chaos Shockwave (Shockwave)

Chaos Energy Blast (Energy Blast)

Chaos Wave (Energy Wave)

Chaos Warp (Allows CB To Teleport - Limited)

Chaos Energy Beam (Energy Beam)

Chaos Shield (Chaos Energy Shield)

Chaos Spikes (CB Slams His Hand Into The Ground - Spiked Burst From It And Appear Out Of The Ground For Five Metres On)


Accesible only in Chaos Form


Chaos Arrow (Trio Of Mini Chaos Energy Blasts)

Chaos Bomb (Bomb - When It Explodes It Releases Twenty Chaos Arrows)

Chaos Chains (Chains Made Of Chaos Energy)

Chaos Spear (A Spear Created By Chaos Energy)

Chaos Burn (CB's Hands Can Melt Things - If He Puts Them On Your Face, IT WILL HURT)

Chaos Storm (One Thousand + Chaos Arrows That All Home In On One Target)

Chaos Hurricane (Tornado Of Chaos Energy)

Chaos Earthquake (Earthquake - Then A Jagged Crack In The Ground - Which Chaos Energy Begins To Shoots Out Of Like An Upward Waterfall)

Chaos Blade Whirlwind (A Chaos Hurricane - Except It Has Chaos Spears Poking Out Of It - Anyone Sucked In Gets Sucked In - And Ripped To Shreds)

Chaotic Oblivion (Takes Out Everything For Ten Miles On)


Note: All of CB's gear is retractable.



Fanged Wrist Blade (Right wrist)

Mini chaingun (Shoulder-mounted)

Quad missile launcher (Left wrist)

Stun Beam (Attached to right hand, bit like Iron Man's repulsors)

Electro Whips (Pods mounted on the back of each hand, both pods launch up to 5 electro whips)

Energy Disks (Star shaped, energy charged disks, which CB can throw - kinda like Ninja Stars - CB normally throws 3 at a time)

Arm/Leg Spikes (Spikes lined along CB's arms and legs, that can be used for attack - or for helping CB cling to a wall)

Jagged Cutters (Two Jagged Large Swords That CB Carries - Their Sheath's Are Located In CB's Belt)

Bomb Bag (Sash filled with grenades and mines)

Hand Blades (Come out from under CB's hands, shaped like Gali Nuva's Aqua Axes - Are Attached To Chains So They Can Shoot Out)



Grappling Claws (Come out of fingers, used to climb walls)

Shield Projector (Left hand, bit like the stun beam, except it projects a shield)

Wing Pack (Jetpack, with mounted wing blades on it)

Powerless Tryna (Powerless mask, for show - sports a retractable battle mask)

Stealth Field Generator (A Belt That Projects A Stealth Field - Which Makes CB Invisible)


Boot Appendages:

Flame Blasters (When activated, where ever CB walks, flaming shockwaves come out of these boots)

Electro Grinders (Boots project energy, that allows CB to grind along rails and skate)

Wheels (Wheels come out of boots, allowing CB to skate, used as backup, if, for some reason, his Electro Grinders aren't working)



Nobody knows how CB became a member of the Kendan, but one moment he wasn't there, the next moment, he was. He ascended through the ranks swiftly, and is now the Kendan Third in Command. He executes his missions ruthlessly and efficiently. He is not the Kendan's Stealth Operative, but he has done his fair share of sneaking around, and is quite good at it. He likes to refer to Mesonak (Death Whisper) as 'Meso', and KTM (Toa Kendan Deputy-KTM) as 'K'. He likes to juggle a ball of Chaos Fire when bored.


One More Thing:

Chaotic Being can access a 'Chaos Form' which only activates when he gets REALLY angry - and drains a lot of his energy - and does it really quickly. In this form, he sprouts wings, a whip tail (both created by Chaos Energy) - he can fly without his Wing Pack - he glows red, grows in size - and gains access to Chaos Powers he couldn't use in his normal form (And the powers he can acces in Normal Form get stronger). The angrier he gets, the stronger he gets, but the more of his energy he consumes.


There ya go. Hope it's not too much.


Note: That was originally a Kendan Profile - so it has some references to the Kendan in it.



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I'm quite proud of that. Somehow I forgot to put the spikes on though. Oh and your jagged blade have been moved to a backpack sheath and your Bomb bag, Stun ray, Disks and Whips have all been not included due to lac of space. You still have them in the story though.


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That story preview is epic.


And that artwork is wonderful as well. :D


Toa Sprit, have I ever said that you rock? :P

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Toa Sprit, have I ever said that you rock? :P


I don't think you have, so I'll say it for you. :D


Toa Spirit, you ROCK.


That drawing is bloody AWESOME. Is there a larger image?


*Waiting impatiently for story*





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Huh - forgot to mention this too - CB is telepathic and has telekenetic powers. This might change ALOT of things if you've already started writing, but these powers will be quite helpful to the group.


Of course, you can just ignore this post, and keep on writing it without changing anything, but expect a rant later. :P



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