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Um... Boss? The Cable's Out.



For the past few weeks it been really dry and really hot. Yesterday, the badly needed rain decided to come and with it came thunder, some hail, and a bit of lightning.


Unfortunately, that bit of lightning had a bite. And that bit of lightning took a bite out of the cable. And the cable's connected to the cable modem. And cable modem's connected to the phone lines. And the phone lines are connected to the phone, the fax machine, and the computers. All of which fried like a chicken.


We got the cable and the phone fixed, but the computers are trashed. Right now, I'm on my mom's laptop and that means my BZP time is going to be cut short for a while.


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Well that's no fun. :(


So I take it you didn't invest in a surge protector. For shame, for shame.


You know, one that does coaxial, fiber optics, etc. in addition to power outlets and is insured up to $10,000 isn't much more than $25 most places and is well worth protecting what can easily be thousands of dollars worth of equipment with just a few quick items.


I recommend surge protectors on all computers, televisions, and other costly appliances.


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It was no big loss for me. All of my data was backed up on my flashdrive and my parents' laptops work fine. My dad's a little sore about it all though, but I have no doubt that he's going to be getting one of those surge protectors as soon as he can.
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