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Zehvor, I Have Some Very Bad News

MT Zehvor


(This is no prank)


Tarakavarbiter has recently announced, that due to uncontrollable circumstances, he will be gone for the next TWO YEARS. I hope that he comes back sooner, but I can't count on it. So let's take a moment and wish TA the best as his parting gift...hopefully, the Zehvor will still be around in two years to greet him when he gets back...if he does.




You will be sorely missed, TA.


Now, that brings up another problem. With TA's sudden disappearance, we have one less member, and a lot of spaces that TA covered are now unfilled. Here is our roster(I made have forgot some, I think I did):



Current: MT(leader), Sonu(deputy), Levacius, Brenmac, Dakama, Calypso, Hovoki, Burnmad

Former: Tarakavarbiter, Mesonak, KTM


I am currently deciding who will be the next Arbiter. An announcement will be made before Sunday.


In memorium, TA.




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