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Oh, I'm Ready For It

Watashi Wa


So this weekend was my dad's birthday and we had the party on Saturday. I had to leave the party early, though, to come back home and go to work to help start moving boxes full of junk into a truck at my old work store and moving them to the new store. Worked from about 7:30pm to 11pm Saturday night. Had to unload and help organize all fo the books and stuff from about 8am to 6:30pm Sunday night. Then went to Applebees for dinner. Worked from 3:30pm to 8pm tonight. So, through the past three days, I've gotten somewhere around 15 hours of work. Pretty cool, I should have a nice check on Thursday.


So yeah, I'm very tired and sore from standing/lifting heavy boxes/books all weekend.


And oh, I'm so ready for the Nintendo Wii. Not to mention, there are a bunch of good games coming out for the 360 this week. Gears of War, Tony Hawk P8. Fun stuff.


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