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Unidentified Riding Object



I've been gone months now, still not technically back online.


I'm commandeering this comp to plop this down before time obscures the memory...


OK... it was late July 3rd, 2009.

My wife got the (erroneously) brilliant idea that the fireworks stand up in Walmart's parking lot would be discounting things half price once the date turned to the 4th, to get rid of stock fast.

We got there before midnight only to find no such luck. (D-duh!)


We got along with the chick running the tent as she was just happy that SOMEONE showed up to bring in cash to fulfill her (too) lofty profit goals.

While there, the power died and me and the friend with us ran up the hill to refill/restart her generator.

After that, she got on religion and spent many minutes trying to convince me I "needed Jesus" to be happy while I was trying to convince her you don't need a god to be happy but aaaaaaaaanyway it was getting late and we decided to go.


The next thing that happened was most interesting.


Ghosts and psychic events have been a pretty "present" thing in my life since before I could talk... but UFOs? No.

I saw a strange thing in the sky once or twice but never anything I'd call a UFO.


A few very, very short moments after pulling out of the Coal Township Walmart's parking lot, we started going home on route 61, talking about the chick we just met fresh on our lips and keeping our minds alert.


So, right as we were coming up over the next hill, I saw a motorcycle heading towards the plumbing outlet on the other side of the street.

It had a headlight that was annoying... one of those ones that are mad brighter than the regular oldskool, yellower headlights.


Then I noticed that I heard nothing.

I stopped our friend in mid-sentence, pointed and said, "Now THAT'S cool.. It's like one of those electric motorcycles or something... the ones coming out where there's no engine noise and they sneak up on ya'."


But it was wrong.


We were all looking over at it, yet the back of my head was screaming, "DUDE... that's just a headlight. There is NO CYCLE attached!"

And it was right. It WAS just a ball of light, following the road as a vehicle would and at an intensity only so much larger than an actual headlight.


Not believing my own mind, I just kept watching it, at which point the light flickered a millisecond before returning to normal.

I blurted out, "Ha! Looks like that guy has a loose wire to the headlight lol." However, I did that to keep both my passengers looking in it's direction with me, as it was sinking in that something really funky was going on.


The light passed under the streetlamp in front of the plumbing supply store... I WAS RIGHT. THERE WAS NO MOTORCYCLE BEHIND IT.


We were all so close to it, I actually started turning my neck muscles to get a good look as it as it passed.

I yelled, "Oh my god, look at it, look at it!"


At that moment, with all three of us watching, it instead veered off and when into the woods. No, not down the ravine, just... "into" the trees at the same level the street was, where it then vanished.


I had slowed down prior to this in order to see it better, but resumed the speed limit in silence.

I looked over at the other two and they're just like frozen with astonished faces.


I was then like the chick in Blair Witch Project, going, "Did you just ******* see that?!? DID YOU JUST ******* SEE THAT!?! What the heck DOES that?!?" ...just not as annoying or terrified as her. (lol) It was actually kind of somehow funny, what we just saw.


Unanimously, we all agreed "UFO". Going back to see if the grass or trees had been parted, like if a cycle had gone over it would have been pointless, as the thing, quite clearly, quite closely to our Dodge Caravan, had DEFINITELY not gone downwards but straight into the trees.


(Just to be anal, the time on the clock was 1:26am).


Yeah so... wowza...

Finally a UFO story for me, just at street level. :lol:





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Ball lightning?





So far I haven't ever seen anything... supernatural. But I know quite a few people that have.


How do you know it wasn't a ghost or some sort of spirit? Don't they glow sometimes? :P



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That'd be my first guess (after mind-altering substances, lol)


Lol, no. I've always been curious what drugs are like but got into my 30's realizing I'd never tried/done any and decided to keep going. : p


You know... I don't know. Never looked into "ball lightning" knowledge too far.

You hear lightning and expect it to be something seen prior to a rainstorm. It was pretty dry out, we were REALLY close to it (feet!) and it followed the curve of the road... you'd think a ball of electricity would follow a metal guard rail... but this one continued even beyond one.

In fact, this ball of electricity was extremely close to said guard rail... wouldn't it have absorbed it?


I saw ball lightning once before, and the puppy was chaotic, not perfectly controlled like this.

Meh, who knows?


How do you know it wasn't a ghost or some sort of spirit? Don't they glow sometimes?

Heh, who knows really. It did have "ghostly" qualities. It closer matches a UFO or ball lightning though.

For all I know we're just brains in vats thinking we're alive and walking around... but for the sake of confusion I'll just take the conventional route and say we're all real people lol.

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Well from what I read on Wikipedia, nobody's settled on a specific set of characteristics for ball lightning - whether it's chaotic or controlled, what direction it takes, whether it even makes contact with matter. XD

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I've never witnessed any kind of alien or ghostly envounter. My mother has, however, reportedly been saved by a ghost when I was inches away. She was about to cross the street, and a semi truck came racing past. She felt an invisble arm push her back to the sidewalk. She said it was my late father looking out for her.

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... DUDE.






Do I believe in ghosts? No. Spirits, angels, demons, yes, but not ghosts. So, my cognitive dissidence makes it obvious that, IMO, this was no ghost. Ball lightning seems more probable, but you said something that'd kinda go against that theory: the metal railing. But as Baloon Board has said, nobody knows much about it all. UFO... Hrrm, it seems to be a bit too... small... for being a UFO, lol, my doubts about UFOs aside.


Now, this is kinda like the ball lightning theory, but it's also possible that what you were looking at was a plasma ball. As for what caused it, what made it do what it did, or anything of that sort, I have no explanation.



And for the record, I was totally creeped out reading this entry. XP



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Heh, I'm happy when I hear a person is creeped out by a story from me but there's no lies being told in regards to paranormal stuff.


Like the other day where we have our recently deceased dog's ashes and the memorabilia we had of him jumped FORWARDS and... yeah, crazy stuff but no "story" telling.


"Plasma ball"? Again, I never really read up on stuff like that.

All I know of ball lightning is what I saw when I was a teenager.

It was a pretty calm sky at twilight looking out over a cornfield... but there in the sky was a single cloud with a freaking light show like you never saw going on inside it. For a brief moment it came out the bottom and went back in, continuing it's colorful explosions for many, many minutes. I THINK that chaotic thing was what is called ball lightning. The thing that came out the bottom was circular anyway.


The light on the road though... man, I just don't know.


UFO... Hrrm, it seems to be a bit too... small... for being a UFO

Lol... made me chuckle there.

::pictures teensy aliens like from BZP Lovers::




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