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A Quick Update

Danska: Shadow Master


I thought I needed to post something, so this is just a quick update on what's happening in my life. The answer, in a nutshell, is not much. I've recently bought LEGO Star Wars, which is great fun. I've just spent longer than is healthy saving up to get General Grievous. Who can resist the four lightsabers of doom?


Apart from that, I had a Young Leaders meeting (Scouts) on friday, where I did 'Module A'. This is the compulsory module that all people between the ages of 14 and 18 are supposed to do before they're allowed to help out with a Scout group. I've been helping out for 2 and a half years and have only just done the module. Oops!


Plato is strange. I'm learning about him in Philosophy, and he seems to think that wise people who spend all their time pondering about the absolute truth are the best people to rule. Well, fair enough, they're wise and stuff (hey, that rhymes!), but they have no idea what the real world is like for anyone who is not them, especially if they spend most of their time pondering greater things that have nothing to do with our reality. So, nice idea Plato, but a bit more thought next time.


Next up should be Aristotle, who sounds much more reasonable. I'll just have to wait and see.


Tommorow's Wednesday, and therefore Scout day! It'll be my first Scout meeting as a qualified Young Leader! We're supposed to be doing stuff about food safetly (so the usual - don't swallow knives, forks or chopping boards and mixing tomatos and liquorice will result in the offender being hunted down and stabbed). It won't he half as exciting as what's happening in December. We're having a Scaletrix (did I spell that right?) competition and a quiz show! If it works, it should be highly entertaining and just plain silly. What more could a person want? Oh yes, food! Well we have that too! Perfection in a bus!*


Well this hasn't been quite as short as I thought it would be to start with, but it isn't exaclty long now, is it? No, not at all. So I shall bid you all farewell and leave you with this final thought:


If a monkey falls out of a tree, does it make a mess?


*The bus is very important. It wouldn't work properly without it.

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