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Chores, Money, & Gifts?



I’m going to be using my blog as much as I can while it is unavailable. Today I’m living back in the past…present, and technically the future too. Our washing machine stopped working after I started my load of clothes. I’m washing everything by hand now. Besides babysitting the two kids today… was uneventful. My annoying advisor called and asked if I was ready for my new class tomorrow. He calls for tiny little things like that but when you have a question to ask him… No reply.


Then my mom mentioned paying my school bill. We’re already two payments behind with another one coming in Sept. “Should we pay it this month?” Um. Yes, we’re behind still? ;_; The total amount due is like 1000 something with next months payment. Not to mention the payments for October, November, and December. I haven’t mentioned about having to pay for an entire class in January yet because I’m trying to work on that. There are a few promising scholarships and a job.


But the parents want to know what I want for my coming birthday. <_<

I got my laptop last year so I dunno what I want. I was leaning towards a new MP3 player. Ipod touch anyone? Other suggestions? I could practically get a 360 for an IPod Touch…. Right?



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