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How To Make Something Royally Suck

Boogie Monsta


Organize a gathering.

First, call it a 'Teen' group. This garners little bits of anticipation.

Second, mention that there will be brainstorming of fun activities.


Wait a while. This will allow people to realize that most everyone else coming to this are the type of people who would cover their kids' eyes and ears when I pull into the parking lot blaring AC/DC.


Make sure to update your web site with last year's ideas, such as "TEEN FALL HAYRIDE & CORN MAZE EXTRAVAGANZA" and "ETIQUETTE CLASS".


Hold your gathering at a Dairy Queen, so that there's no way to do anything fun at all. Like not even a vintage Tekken machine.


Make sure to make it clear that the entire family is invited, thus making sure that your mom will squelch any rule-bending fun you might be able to have within said Dairy Queen.


Then, as a death blow, remind people that your definition of 'teen' actually means 'everyone above elementary school,' and all 'teens' are welcome to all events, even the ones that may involve actual fun.


Strap yourself in.




2:30 today. So far the only solution Cal and I have come up with is to show up wearing Batman suits. Sadly, the only masks we have between us are an old half Batman one with swimming goggles built in, and an old man one with flowing white hair that's half fallen out.







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