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F O O D B L O G R E T U R N S ; Oh Yes. Yummeries.



yummeries? What? x)


WELLLLL. since my blog is known for it's lovely food (oh yess) I decided to post some recent delicious foods. All these foods have one thing in common, RASPBERRIES. 8)


Oh yeah, you know it. 8D Someone gave my family tons of raspberries, and I had to use them all before they went bad (no problem for me!)


The only thing is that I basically ditched cooking healthy, but it's worth it with these baked goods!



^ so I made my crust a little sloppy (not pretty :P) but it was sooo yummy. the filling is raspberries (duhh), sugar, lemon juice, lemon peel, cinnamon & flour. It's a challenge to wait for pies to cool! Ugh, I wanted to eat this right when it came out of the oven. the lemon & raspberry is absolutely amazinggg. <3


^ Raspberry Streusal muffins! YES, THERE WERE ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. like, in all seriousness. <3 I would make these again, but they don't last long, they were gone like 10 seconds after being out of the oven. *0* these were delicious, moist, and yet had that lovely crunch (from the Streusel) on top...yummm.


That's all I've made so far, I may make the muffins again, or perhaps some coffee cake with raspberries? not sure. yumm. P:


happyyy food blog yay. x)




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Pff, this is amateur stuff! Take a look at the things I cook and you'll be burned hairless.




Yeah, forget that. But my cooking is good too. :P



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Why do you have to post this delicious looking stuff on the very day I decide to give BZP a visit again? =(


Now I'm hungry!

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