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Yo Yo What Up My Dawgs.

Little Miss Krahka


So yeah, I haven't said hello to you all since like, May. Yeah. Even before the whole downtime thing.


Um, let's just do that thing I do sometimes where I list off completely unrelated things.


1. While in the downtime, I got really into Hetalia (yeah, even more) and now Poland is like, totally my patron saint. Omigod. So's Finland. It's even more shameful than ever before. But it's always nice to expand out the whole "I ship everything" into even more of everything. It also makes current events and history more amusing than they already were, which is nearly impossible.

I also might end up making some Bionicle-style fanart of these things someday. The Toa Allies? The Toa Axis? Though I've got no idea what Russia'd be a Toa of besides creeper-ness. But I do know that Italy would be the Toa of Pasta. Well duh.


2. I got a wicked farmer's tan at field school. It's very impressive. My arms are a deep deep tan and my shoulders and chest and legs (because I'm a freak who never wears shorts) and everything else is a pasty pasty white.


3. I also want to write a Fallout/'09 Bionicle AU/Crossover. With all this stuff taking place in like, post-apocalyptic Canada because the obvious places like Australia, the American Southwest, etc all have stuff there that'd invalidate things. But it'd have the Skrall be some sort of sick combination of the Enclave and the Brotherhood of Steel, even though if it met either at this point they'd get into mad fights, the Sand Tribe would be made up of feral ghouls and Super Mutants, Bone Raiders would be, y'know, raiders, the Glatorian thing is something they set up after the dust settled because a lot of people were annoyed by the whole "Getting nuked because of a war that we really really wanted nothing to do with, at least, until America started shooting and annexing us," and Mata Nui would be some sort of super-advanced pre-War android and it'd all be very very exciting.

Plus basically the storyline so far could easily be prefaced with Ron Perlman ominously telling us that "War. War never changes." You know it boys and girls.


4. They're offering Daggerfall as freeware now. That's right. The Elder Scrolls 2 to Morrowind's 3. And it's pretty crazy. Pretty dated, sure, but it's still entertaining because it's so huge and actually is more in the direction I would've rather had Oblivion go, with more political intrigue and a detailed and fascinating world that has more weird than meets the eye.

I'm currently playing a Bosmer assassin who, in his spare time, sleeps in the street to get arrested for vagrancy, resists arrest and then kills the guard. Just because he can.


5. I ALSO REALLY GOT INTO COUNTRY MUSIC WHAT. Yeah, I pretty much have given up on having a hip taste in music in favor of Hank Williams, Jimmie Rodgers, the Carter Family and Johnny Cash's less hip stuff.


6. And I'd like to reiterate my statement that the folks who were hacking this time had a really stupid motive, particularly when you consider that the last time we got hacked it was by the Maori who were overreacting in the wrong direction to a reasonable problem. Dude. BZP has not spent a hundred some years actively stamping out your culture and all that. It's Bionicle Zone Power, not Oppressive Colonial Power. (OCPower?) And even then it was kinda a poor reason, since hacking BZPower got them all of no where.


7. And this sloth needs a name.





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