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Exo-force: The Epic-moc Contest



Millenium has asked me to host this contest on my blog. It seems interesting so I have accepted. :)


Now Millenium will explain you what it is about:


"You or may not know about Rozak-Toa of Destiny epic about Exo-Force; in said epic, a new battle machine, currently dubbed Legendary Golden City Battle Machine (LGCBM for short), is going to show up, but we don't know how it is made: here you have the chance of designing it!



1.Be creative!

2.Don't cheat (i.e. putting an image of a MOC that isn't yours).

3.Any color is allowed

4.Maximum of a 3 colors color scheme.

5.The LGCBM is something big, but don't make it too tall, too wide, or too long. It may be no wider than the Striking Venom, no taller than the Supernova and no longer than the Combat Crawler.

6.You may use as many Technic and Bionicle pieces you want, but the may not be dominant.

7.Here is a list of unallowed Bionicle pieces:

Any kind of limb;

Cordak Blasters;

Nynrah GhostBlasters;

Shadow Leeches;



Midak Skyblasters;

Bohrok Body;

Vahki Head connector;

Re-built Matoran\Rahkshi\Vahki torso;

Hordika Body;

Visorak Body;

Piraka Body;

Inika Body;

Inika Armors;

Vahki head;

Visorak heads;

Skakdi Skull;

Piraka Spines;

Inika Masks.

8.Mata Body, Metru Body, and Rahkshi upper torso may be used as long as they're not used for bodies.


Entry period is from now until 6th of September.

Judging is from the 7th to the 9th of September.


Judges are me Kaxix, Millennium, and Ackar-Master of Fire.


When placing your entry, place it like this:


Entry image:


Topic link (optional):


Description (optional)


MoC on!"


Recommended Comments

If one of the banned Bionicle pieces is on the MOC, but completely hidden behind System elements, is it allowed?


And what does the winner get?



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If one of the banned Bionicle pieces is on the MOC, but completely hidden behind System elements, is it allowed?


And what does the winner get?




The winner gets the form of his MoC "canonized" by Rozak, with all the weapons and the functions you made to it.

And that's not allowed, sorry.

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Some tips/suggestions/notices:

1.Make it BIG and possibly on wheels/4-6 legs, reason for this because there heven't been much wheeled or four-legged human battle machines.

2.Stickers are allowed.

3.No Av-Matoran and Makuta bodies.

4.Depending on number of entries, the entry period may be extended to another date.

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I'm just wasting time, time you could have used to continue your epic :(

I would have done soooooooooooo much better to host it on the Tube.

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