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20 Failproof Methods Of Torture

Jean Valjean


G.I. Joe got in a report that a Cobra spy had been caught. "We're gonna make him squeal", he thought. He had close connections with the Cobra leader guy, and he had information that could save the world.


"Sir," one of his colleagues said. "We've tried everything. He won't talk."


Joa's eyes widened and he ran a bewildered hand through his hair. He was hoping it wouldn't come to this. He really was. He was about to suggest completely inhuman measures that no man should have impressed upon them. He pulled out of his pocket a sheet of paper with a list of last resort means of torture. It read:


1. Play "Achy Breaky Heart" a million times.

2. Ask them to explain the ending to "The Matrix: Revolutions."

3. Take pictures of him in pink bunny pajamas and show all his friends.

4. Feed him school lunches.

5. Have Michael Phelps "shun" him.

6. Chuck Norris.

7. Threaten to hand him over to his mother-in-law.

8. Have an "Aunt Bertha" hug and kiss him.

9. Lock him up with Tom Cruise.

10. Have an opera singer named Groomhilda sit on him.

11. Force him to watch that stupid G.I. Joe movie.

12. Force him to watch the Teletubbies, too.

13. Try to teach him how to play "Rock, Papers, Scissors, Lizard, Spock."

14. Read the last Series of Unfortunate Events book to him.

15. Send him to Ferris Beuler's Government class.

16. Busy Server

17. Peeling Onions

18. Tickling

19. Unpoppable Bubble Wrap

20. Sudoku Rubik's Cube


Joe sighed. "Trust me, he'll talk."


(no political statements intended)


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Ya do know that there is nobody named G.I. Joe In the actual franchise, right?

Also some of that stuff ain't so bad. And number one on that list is pretty close to an ACTUAL torture the U. S. Military uses.
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Xaer Raid,

I know next to nothing about G.I. Joe.


Some of the stuff indeed aren't too bad. My own school does make good food, and I enjoyed learning how to play "Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock". However, I understand that some of these things on the list would still be frustrating to some people and by calling them forms of torture I am exercising the use of hyperbole, which is a common tool in humor. The main idea behind all of this humor is hyperbole.


As for the first item on the list, I have never heard of it being used in real life. It was a nod towards Weird Al.


Live long and prosper.

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You could always duct tape him to the wall and poke him incessantly.





I have actually seen something similar to that on the Roseanne show, although no duct tape was involved. Dan and Roseanne had a disagreement. "Why should I do that?" Dan asked. Roseanne walked up to him and began poking him. "Because sooner or later this is going to drive you crazy!"


Live long and prosper.

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Methinks Chuck Norris should be last, as he could finally just roundhouse kick the information out of the person's head but they might not survive.


Sudoku Rubik's Cube.

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Inflatable Dartboard,

Sudoku Rubik's Cube? You just invented the most devious term ever. I am totally editing the entry to include that idea, because it's filled with too much win to let it pass.


Live long and prosper.

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