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Scientists Are Dumb

Toa of Nerds


I'm doing Biology, and I've come to realize that the fast majority of smart people in this world are unapologetically dumb. Let's face, no smart person on earth decides to classify life, and then give names such as Perissodactyla (which messes with my spelling checker's mind) to the different classes of creatures. Why can't we just stick with birds and fish?


That's not the end. Apparently, if you're talking about plants there are different categories. So instead of "Phylum", you've got to deal with a "division", which is pretty much exactly the same, except that it has a different name. Now, what kind of genius thought that one up.


Now, I thought that the highest you could go was one of the five "Kingdoms". Well, it seems as if some genius decided that a Kingdom wasn't big enough and created another level called a "Domain". Now there are three Domains, and out of those three, two have only one Kingdom in them. Only a scientist would create some sort of crack-pot scheme that is 2/3 useless.


At any rate, all that these classifications have succeeded in doing is to make my life more complicated, the exact opposite of what they were supposed to do.


-don't touch my pocket protector


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Knowledge does tend to make life seem more complicated, since it exposes you to new concepts and thoughts. And Domains have existed since 2001.



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