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Aced My First Test...



...But it didn't count for a grade, because it was to get me out of a VERY basic music class and into the higher level one. :P


Pretty funny actually...Most of us who were in the theory class didn't belong in there, but we were there because it was a "prerequisit" class. After getting through introductions (In which the VAST majority of the class informed the professor that they have had anywhere from 5 to 12 years of musical study, and many of them played more than on instrument) Our professor looked at all of us and, to paraphrase, asked "What on earth are you guys doing in this class?" To which the most common answer was "It was a required class, we couldn't get into the other ones."


So the professor directed us to the head of the music department, who happened to be someone my piano teacher suggested I try to take piano lessons from. (But I decided to take lessons from my original teacher for another year instead of from the college) So I thought that was pretty cool. When I informed her of my dilemma, she gave me a small theory test that took me 5 or so minutes to complete and aced. After glancing over it, she said "Yes, you shouldn't be in that class, you'd be bored to tears..." and then went about explaining that the classes I should be in were a dual/block classes for a total of 4 credits, signed the permission form, and told me to take it to admissions. After thinking about it for a moment, I asked, "So, wait, are you teaching these classes?" To which she responded affirmatively.


So I got to tell my piano teacher tonight at my lesson, that while I wasn't taking piano lessons at college, I would be studying under the person she had recommended. She was rather tickled by that. ^.^


So in the meanwhile I need to figure out what to do with the music theory book I no longer need that I got off of Amazon and need to get two different music books before Thursday... X.X


Tomorrow I need to talk to an advisor about the other class I had today and see if I can get it changed for a different one because I'm not to happy about it...Let's just say it was "not as advertised." *Grumbles*


So yeah, it's only the second day of college, and already my classes are being swapped around...Crazy stuff. Financial aid STILL hasn't come in, and if it doesn't by the end of the week I'm going to have to completely rework my financial plan...I'm not too happy about that. We'll see how it goes.


Anyway, seeing as it's been about a week, I'm expecting that blogging privileges are removed tonight for us non-premiers. Aw well, it's been fun.


So I guess I'll see ya'll around, goodnight!




1 Comment

Recommended Comments

You may have told me this but how long have you been taking piano for? Also CONGRATS!!!! That part was funny : you must be board to tears"!! I chuckled at that part!


P.s. when do the primier privilages(sp) end?

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