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This Is Cool.



So today I learn that our French class has the choice to go to Paris [France] over summer break. Looking at the whole thing, I'd miss a day of school, but it'd be awesome regardless of that small factor.


Now the question is...


Can I go? I don't know, it costs $2100 [which isn't that bad, going to BFair was a little under that to be honest] and it more depends on whether or not both of my parents agree on it. The fact that they never agree on anything makes it hard, but oh well.


Oh, and I learned that the place where my mom works -- her boss is trying to schedule a four day conference in DC early August, early as in from August 4 -- 9 and if that goes through then plane tickets and hotel tickets are free which brings the cost of going down to $600 -- $700 dollars annnd because of the dates, that would mean that I'd get to go to BFair 2010. This is not set in stone, and I'd probably only be able to go to BFair in August of 2010 if the conference is scheduled for the area. If not, then my France trip will probably suck up the money to go anyways... or maybe not, depends on how things end up playing out.


An interesting thing; my friend from Texas went to NYC and had incredibly long hair [Last time I saw him -- he was bald] and I just learned that he's going into his High School's ROTC program and has to shave it off anyway. Just an interesting tidbit is all.




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Spain! =O


We already went to Montreal... =D


Do it man, you won't regret it. =P


But you're parents well.


*Fears what well happen if Spink doesn't come to Bfair 2010*

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*Fears what well happen if Spink doesn't come to Bfair 2010*

I'm pretty sure there'll be some hole ripped through time.


Or just one less person around the Bionicle stuff. XP

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