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Schoolishness. Wheeeeeeee!

Jedi Gali


This past Tuesday, I started school as junior. Woot, I'm an upperclasswoman! (Eh, that sounds sorta weird. :D ) This is gonna be a really interesting year though, because I have five APs (college level classes), pre-Calculus, and Drama III. Not to mention, I'm still finishing up a class online.


One thing is clear, I won't have as much time for writing, which is sorta annoying. Don't worry, I'll manage to get some stuff done. Speaking of which, Toa of the New Republic will be getting a new chapter this Sunday. I meant to post it over a month ago but due to some... uh, shall we say, technical difficulties, it didn't happen.


And some contest updates for anyone who cares, I'm working on my entry for EC8 and it's coming along fairly nicely. Hopefully I'll get it done. I've yet had a deadline beat me and I don't plan on allowing it now. As far as BS01 goes.... we'll see. Both Exo(fat) and Velox have asked me whether I'll enter. I'm pretty sure I will; I just need to work on my plan for it. Now just to get rolling EC8 first... :rolleyes:


:kaukau: -JG


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Upperclasswomen, lol. Good luck with all those advanced classes, though, and I eagerly await your EC8 Entry as well as your [hopefully] BS01 Contest entry. ^^



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Just a junior and all of that? You sure have a better stance in your year then I did. I hope everything goes well with your school, it seems like a lot of work, but I bet you'll do great.


Can't wait to read your writings as well, good luck with that and beating deadlines.

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Cool, I just started as a bottom-of-the-rung-Freshman! =D

Aw, just a wittle Fweshman.... :rolleyes:


So how ya' likin' high school?


:kaukau: -JG

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Cool, I just started as a bottom-of-the-rung-Freshman! =D

Aw, just a wittle Fweshman.... :rolleyes:


So how ya' likin' high school?


:kaukau: -JG

As far as this Christian school goes, it's great. I'm the personal fav of the two most hated teachers in the school! =D

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