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This Is Madness!



I got my contest entry built. Took me a whole entire weekend of literally doing not much else. I'm going to need the coming weekdays just to physically recover from that marathon.


Next phase, photography. If I thought the actual build was bad... whew. Out of thirteen experimental shots tonight, two just might be useable. I anticipate much frustration and slow going in the session(s) to come. I'm afraid my camera was designed to be cheap, not to be able to handle projects like this with any kind of style. On top of that -- have you ever tried to pose a 47-centimetre-tall BIONICLE humanoid with 66 points of articulation? Yeah. My advice to you: don't.


I don't think I really knew what I was letting myself in for when I started. If I had, I'd probably have opted to join the spectators instead, like so many times before. But, as fate would have it, I'm now committed to nothing less than victory. I can't explain it: this is absolutely the first contest in my life that I've had to win. I don't know if that's sick or healthy. Well, I know it's sick in a way, but I hope for my sake it's got a little healthy in it, too. And the way the universe has been burying the needle on the Impossibly-Synchronistic-Number-Sighting meter lately, I think, is for sure partly due to the fact that I'm so focused on this thing.


Anyway, have a look at this.




Believe it or not, that's one of the better ones. :P




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*Skips the obligatory, obvious joke*


©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM




66 points of articulation

what does that I don't even



36 of them on the wings. All those feathers, you know. And I counted literally every connection that moves.


I'm impressed.

Oh, I think you will be. ^_^



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There's a reason for everything, Arpy. Even for those hockey helmets being there. Consider it a nod to the watershed point in Tufi's BZPower career, when she brought us scans from the merchant catalogue showing the new LEGO Hockey sets (among other things more directly relevant to our interests here). I'll never think of those ridiculous Hockey sets without being reminded of that episode and the part that a certain puffin gal played in it. :)



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