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I Wish I Were Well-read.





It's like, for the first fourteen years of my life, I've been reading stuff that I thought was good, but, looking back, seems worthless. Only now, at seventeen, have I read anything of any worth. But now I worry that I'm just reading stuff that I've heard from other people... my entire opinion is basically an amalgam of everything anybody else has ever done.


It's the same with my musical opinion, really. I like to think that I have a wide musical taste, but I just realized I only listen to most of my stuff because of recommendations.


Maybe I should abandon the Internet when it comes to stuff like this. Take chances, pick stuff without knowing how well it ends up.


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Man, whatever, I'm too tired to get it all right... maybe I should have left it like that, to see how many people came in to correct me....


Uh, well, some comic books... Neil Gaiman, Alan Moore, and... um... Frank Miller....


Books like Douglas Adams (he is too a book), Frank Herbert... I dunno....


I read primarily fiction... and... British... authors....

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Whoa Ballom never knew that. o.o


The conditional is the bane of a lot of people.


Uh, well, some comic books... Neil Gaiman, Alan Moore, and... um... Frank Miller....


Books like Douglas Adams (he is too a book), Frank Herbert... I dunno....

Frank Herbert is great. Have you read Hellstrom's Hive?


Atlas shrugged was good.. you should try it

Anything by Ayn Rand is absolutely fantastic.



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Anything by Ayn Rand is absolutely fantastic.





Read stuff by Warren Ellis. Fell, Transmetropolitan, Global Frequency, Nextwave.


Also Neil Stephenson's Anathem was utterly fantastic, if you either don't mind being confused constantly or have the time to read it thoroughly enough to understand everything.

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