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Willows Shouldn't Have To Weep



A young boy once asked a willow
“Why is that you weep?”

The willow replied with a heavy sigh
“I weep for those who sleep.”

“I weep for those asleep in the ground,
For they buried and forgot
I weep for those once fought bravely
But are now just left to rot”

“I weep for these gardens of stone,
A decayed and tragic lot.
And I weep at the thought that you,
Dear boy, may one day fill a plot”

“I weep for the foreign soldier,
so far from his home dear
I weep for his mother and brother,
For whom death must seem so near”

“For those who lay ‘neath bloody skies
For those who show no fear
For those with fire burning in their eyes
It is for them I shed a tear”

The boy was silent, too stunned to reply,
But he mustered his courage and asked
“Why is it so many must die?”

“For oil, for food, for pride
For land, and water, and to bridge a great divide.
For lies and deceit and treachery in all they do,
But also for hope,
and truth, and freedom strong and true”

“For orders given and orders received,
For angels and for dens of thieves
For weapons and cannons and endless gun rounds
This is why the death knoll so often sounds”

The boy fell silent and tears sprang to his eyes,
It felt like it was hopeless
As though he was trapped by the prince of flies

The old willow watched this and felt its boughs bend deep,
Then it held the boy in its many arms and asked
“Boy, why is that you weep?”

The boy looked up, his tears fell to the ground below
but in his eyes was a strength even he did not know
“I weep for the atrocities, the tragedies, the inhumanity of it all!
I weep for my mother, and my brother, and whoever else may fall!”

“I weep for the waste of creativity,
the tragic loss of life
I weep for my future enemy,
and she who may one day be his wife”

“I weep for ignorance, for lies like a spider’s web
for sadness itself and for the water’s flow and ebb
For life, and death, and for every question “why?”
these are some of the reasons for which I now cry”

The boy and the willow stood there,
in a silence profound and deep
“And for you too willow,
for you I also weep”

“The sins of this world are ours,
The burden’s ours to bear
That you must feel our mistakes
Simply feels unfair,
though I know that in a world like this
That fairness doesn’t exist
It is still something
that I must insist”

“And so tonight, in bed, before I go to sleep
I will tell god above, myself
Willows shouldn’t have to weep”



Recommended Comments

Nice poem there..though some lines seem to have a few too many syllables, and some seem to be missing words, (third verse down seems like it should have a 'were', and a who, or else swap the last two words around.) and the 'god' at the end should be capitalised, as it is a proper noun.



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I actually searched out your blog to post something petty and spiteful like HAHA IT'S BOBBERT but I didn't expect this. Nice work. And since I'm sort of sick enough to drop out of college I may finish your holiday gift. <3
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