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Geeks Of A Feather

Master of the Rahkshi


Hi there peoples! And welcome to the second installment of my blog. I will explain the title eventually, I promise.


I think I've got a system figured out now. I'm going to post Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (original, I know) unless something specific happens that I really want to talk about. This will probably include new story being released, surprising answers from Greg, or any news pertaining to the upcoming sequels to StarCraft, Mass Effect, and BioShock, which will most likely be accompanied by gibberish to the effect of 'squee.'


I am fanboy. Hear me roar.


First, a general update. Sleep for me continues to elusive. I'm not actually at the point where I start hallucinating but I think I'm close. Part of me is curious and wants to stay up another night to see what this is like. The other, more substantial, part of me is repeatedly whacking that part over the head with a hardcover book and yelling incoherently.


(At one point, I read a psychology article that states that humans brains are essentially run by committee. I have taken that metaphor and have been running with it ever since.)


It took a while, but I have finally found my 'type' at this college. I.e. the geeks. Specifically of the manga and anime type. We meet every Thursday and watch anime for hours on end. Last night was an episode of G Gundam (a very, very 70s show about psychic cool dudes with huge mechs), My Neighber Totoro (a well-done cute little fairy tale about a couple of sisters who find forest spirits inhabiting their new home, including a forgetful rabbit-peep that can turn invisible and has ADHD, a caterpillar-cat-bus, and the titular giant bear-owl-squirrel), and Gunslinger Girls (a gritty, bloody show about brainwashed ten-year-old girls who kill people with automatic weapons and explosives). Yeah, we certainly watch a very of subjects, don't we. I hope we get to Ghost in the Shell. The president and co-president are very nice people; in addition, the male half of the pair is in my photo class and has agreed to share the ruinous expense of buying black and white photo supplies. :happydance:






Okay, some explanation may be required. I love Mass Effect. Practically worship it, along with most games made by BioWare, due to their inventive universes, interesting characters, and their 1:5 combat to exposition ratio. ^_^ I was able to briefly play Mass Effect on a friend's Xbox; excited, I bought the game for myself and happily rushed it home. There followed about a week's worth of frustration and rage, mitigated by graphics card brawls and DRM, which culminated with me lying on the couch crying into my cat's fur. On the downside, cats don't appreciate being cried upon. On the upside, the pattern of the scarring is actually kinda cool. Yesterday dad called me and said that he had managed to sort out the various issues of the game and managed to make it fully playable on my computer! :D Unfortunately my computer is on the other side of the country. :( Well, when I go home for Christmas break I'll be able to play it. After a period of silence around then expect a discombobulated blog (discomblogulated?) that will attempt to talk about things but invariably degenerate into "MASS EFFECT IS AWESOME WEE oh god two weeks without sleep *thud*"


Let's see, what's happened in Bionicle since Wednesday? Not very darn much. At least, not very much that I can talk about without getting banned. PLENTY of that sort. Just wait until the spoiler ban on The Legend Reborn is lifted. Then I will give a very enthusiastic but somewhat inaccurate dissertation on the events of the movie. Inaccurate because I won't be able to watch it until late December. XD


Well, nothing much has happened since then. Unless you count the release of another somewhat lackluster Flash game, WHICH, not only takes forever to load due to my stupid internet, but also rather inconsiderately does not allow me to explore the majority of Bara Magna. This is a very ill-mannered game, considering it also does not allow me to heal and forces me to exclusively spam the flip-Thornax move during fights. Of course, this is prejudice on two fronts. One, this is a fighting game. I hate fighting games. I suck at them. :P Also, for the most part, fighting games are completely devoid of any story beyond the occasional half-baked "blah blah ancient power blah blah lots of people inexplicably find out about it at the same time blah blah evi blah blah revenge blah blah large bowl of porridge. Kill everyone." Two, this isn't the MNOLG.




MNOLG2: :(


Hush you. You were good, but never properly finished. And a number of rather important files randomly went missing.


Aside from that, yeah not much.


Well, that about wraps things up for this scheduled update. Actually, as a side note, I'm toying with the idea of trying a somewhat less ambitious writing project than the ones previous. AND seeing as tomorrow is Talk Like a Pirate Day (:lol:) and I will therefore be obliged to write a blog entry tomorrow, I'll give the lowdown on my writing idea and see what you guys think. If, you know, you can interpret it through the thick accent and swagger.


See you tomorrow!




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