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Empathy Has Been Proven To Be Fueled By Touch

Jonestown Bartender


Ever notice how people today seem to go out of their way to not touch people?

You'll swerve to avoid brushing someone while walking down the street, close friends try not to bump each other while walking, even lovers try to keep PDAs to a minimum.

Fathers are discouraged from holding their daughters' hands because it's "perverted," and ditto for sons.

"Hands to yourself!" is a frequently heard phrase in the classroom.



Today and yesterday, did you actually come in physical contact with another human being?

Was it skin to skin?

How many days has it been since your skin has touched the skin of another human?

Who was the person?


We find great comfort in petting a dog or a cat. Perhaps it is partially because we are starved for touch.



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But would it be the same if we were encouraged to hold hands and brush up and whatnot? I mean, if it were a common practice, if we weren't so "starved for touch," would we still generate that same sense of empathy?

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But would it be the same if we were encouraged to hold hands and brush up and whatnot? I mean, if it were a common practice, if we weren't so "starved for touch," would we still generate that same sense of empathy?

No, I think they would have more.

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