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Upcoming Tv Shows



I don't normally watch TV. Or rather, I don't watch it live. I got into the Stargate franchise when it aired on Fox a season late. But coming to college then meant I had to watch it online at my leisure. (Luckily Hulu had the 5th season right when I needed it.) When I heard about Warehouse 13, I was saddened because I don't have cable at home, so couldn't watch it. Once again, Hulu started airing it right after each episode was aired! (Boy was that a surprise.) (Also, I might be able to watch the season finale live tomorrow night!) And of course, there is Firefly, a TV series I watched on DVD 8 years late. (Though really, I would have been too young when it aired.)


Now, I have on my computer digital copies of Doctor Who Eccleston and Tennant seasons (9th and 10th Doctors, I guess that's easier to say) as well as Dollhouse. I'm also getting into Leverage, which I have. It's weird I say all this because, until 6 months ago, I barely watched anything, and now here I am "watching TV" even if it is late.


But here's the kicker: Now I'm considering watching TV for shows that have just come out! I guess it'd be like with Warehouse 13, only now I might be able to watch live. (Or I'll just hope I can do it online a day later.) What am I looking forward to? I guess I better say, otherwise there would be no point to this entry's title. Well, coming out this Thursday is Flash Forward, a week later Stargate: Universe, and in November V.


In Flash Forward, the entire world passes out and sees a vision of 6 months into their future for 2 minutes 17 seconds (way to be specific and obscure). It's written by the guy who wrote The Dark Knight, so if that doesn't get your attention I don't know what will.


Stargate: Universe looks like an awesome addition to the Stargate series. It also puts a new twist on things, being lost in space in a SHIP, and I think that the SG guys can do a good job on this. (Airing on Friday nights, I'm glad it is confirmed that Hulu will be showing this.)


Now, V...this one looks cool as well. Based off a miniseries apparently from way back when, aliens come to earth ("V" for "Visitors") to learn and help. They look like humans, only there is a bigger secret to just simply being nice. (I definitely recommend looking up this trailer.)


(Also, roommate has Heroes season 1 on DVD and I want to find Lost so I can watch from the beginning. And I'm hoping my friend can find me Star Trek: Voyager.)


I guess I better get caught up on Dollhouse, and maybe I can watch it live too...or on Hulu a day later right after I watch Stargate: Universe.


tl;dr: The bold parts are exciting! Go read those...


-CF :kakama:


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Last I checked, ABC's website has the entirety of LOST streaming in HD. That's how I watched seasons 1-4, and during the spring caught my friend Joe up. And I think LOST might be on Hulu these days as well...

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Last I checked, ABC's website has the entirety of LOST streaming in HD. That's how I watched seasons 1-4, and during the spring caught my friend Joe up. And I think LOST might be on Hulu these days as well...



I can't wait for the last season... it's coming soon...


Also, Heroes is pretty good. The second season was a bit meh, but season one was pretty good and the first three episodes of season three are great. I just started watching it (3rd season). :P


Fast Forward looks like it could be good - I'll check it out when it comes on.



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I might watch Fast Forward. I'm not crazy about streaming shows over the internet though. The players never seem to work quite right for me.


I've also watched all of Star Trek Voyager. My library has every season of it, so every once in a while I would check out a season and spend a week watching it before it had to go back.

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