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Writing Systems.



There are a lot of writing systems out there, such as Microsoft Word, NotePad, OneNote, Lyx, and probably hundreds of others I have never heard of before. The annoying thing I found using some of these [Never used Lyx – I don’t have a Mac, same with OneNote] is that they are useful for writing small, more simple stories down [The ones done on a whim, which don’t require hundreds of notes and pages to be saved]. I was working on Demonic Beginnings some time ago today, and I was a bit annoyed about jumping from window to window, program to program and writing things in NotePad, then into Word, and even on a paper I had next to me. The whole process was a pain, to be honest. Sometimes I’d click on the wrong window, or I’d have too many open [internet, NotePad, Word, (Lots of different documents)] and I’d be spending my time looking for the one I needed. The paper was only there so that I could jot down the things I would be unable to in NotePad, or in Word [Tables, looking back for names, being sure something was correct with my writing, etc…]


After this whole pain of a process, I had to take a break [A break I have yet to return from] just because the windows were becoming overwhelming and it was starting to become frustrating at parts. I have note cards [physical], papers, NotePad documents, Word documents, all about the same subject, just all being organized in different documents because one document on its own isn’t enough to really hold all of that information and continue to be coherent. Having all of these different documents is something that just gets irritating, as for me, when I go to “Open” and search for a file I want, my results are always nonexistent. This means that I have to go through around two hundred documents [short stories, epics, notes, school stuff, novel stuff, book reports, ideas, etc…] and pull out the ten, or twenty I need. The annoying part is doing this for two different programs, and fiddling around as to get a piece of paper along with a pen/pencil.


Going through all of this for what feels like the hundredth time made me wonder as to why there seemed to be no programs that have; Notes [such as a note card feature], and just… well, a single file that holds the information of ten.


It’s just all bleh.


And I had more reasons and features to add, but I forgot what they were cuz as I started to type this entry, old thoughts and ideas just started to leave my head as I started focusing on other concepts first. ><



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I agree with this. Only after a little while of learning I just decided to take a small notebook and put all the information in there (although if I get a new idea or forget something I have to figure out how to edit that in... but it's never too difficult). Like how you had the famed black notebook, except you probably have way more in it. =P

And if you're fiddling through a ton of documents, use a folder to organize them, like one for DB, and others for maybe different genres or related short stories or epics, and school stuff.

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I agree with this. Only after a little while of learning I just decided to take a small notebook and put all the information in there (although if I get a new idea or forget something I have to figure out how to edit that in... but it's never too difficult). Like how you had the famed black notebook, except you probably have way more in it. =P

And if you're fiddling through a ton of documents, use a folder to organize them, like one for DB, and others for maybe different genres or related short stories or epics, and school stuff.


Though, even with a folder, I tend to end up with like, ten or so open windows of documents, eleven including the internet which really squishes itself together and makes it hard to decipher which document is for what.


And I can't write with a pencil really fast, so sometimes I tend to lose my idea like, halfway through ;_;

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Pens count too. =P But I guess you just gotta practice that. Like, my handwriting is horrible but I somehow make it through.


At least a folder would make it easier. Though what you're having is like when I have at least 20 tabs open... ._.

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Pens count too. =P But I guess you just gotta practice that. Like, my handwriting is horrible but I somehow make it through.


At least a folder would make it easier. Though what you're having is like when I have at least 20 tabs open... ._.

For DB, using a pen tends to be a bad idea for me, cuz I always keep going back to change some stuff to sound better/fixing my letters and words so they're more neat. Though, I started to write up ideas for "Knightmare" in a notebook with a pencil, but that's more cuz it's a smaller project and I had nothing else to write it all in XP

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