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School And Whatever Else.



School was different today, which was mainly due to the odd schedule of classes. So, rather than fifty minutes of every class [some fifty-five minutes], all classes were 45 minutes, and PE was 30 minutes [As it was the last period]. Some periods were also mixed around and such, so, rather than the day being set up like;




-World Geography

-French II



-Graphic Design


-Team Sports


It was set up like;




-World Geography

-French II

-Graphic Design



-Team Sports

-Crazy long Pep Rally


It's not much different, when looked at as text, but it made the day seem significantly shorter. Oh, and the Pep Rally was rather boring this year, though, the band did pretty well. All we did in the Rally was scream... and that's about it, for an hour. Sitting in the bleachers got pretty boring in and of itself, and my back started to hurt [Cuz I have pretty bad posture when I'm not thinking about it, and someone's knees were in my back the entire time ><]. The whole thing coulda been better, but yeah.


What I hated was that I didn't have Advisement [i get all of my work done there, and study some if I have a test], but I guess what we all did in Math class was worth it [Watched some interesting vids 'bout today's technology and where it's headed, what jobs we're being prepared for etc..., and this one vid taken from an old comedy.... I forget the name, with someone trying to convince someone else that 7 x 13 = 28.] I actually found the comedy to be pretty funny, more because it wasn't one of the cheesy things the school puts together XP



The only really bad parts, as far as classes go, was that I have some minor biology homework, some English homework [A speech ._.] and... I think that's it.


My highlight of the day was being one of twenty Freshmen in a Biology class [There's about 100 or so Freshmen who take standard Biology] to get an A on the Biology test. No one got Bs, there were like, twenty As, then like... thirty Cs, and it just went downhill from there.


So, I guess I get this stuff =P


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