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Flash Forward, Premier



Tonight was the premier of ABC's new drama/mystery/thriller show Flash Forward. And oh boy, what an episode.


In case you don't know what it's about, which is very possible (I'm not mocking you), basically the entire world blacks out for 2 minutes 17 seconds and everyone gets a glimpse of their own future, six months later. After that, it's up to the characters (mainly FBI) to try to figure out who/what/why caused this blackout, and some want their futures to come true, while other's don't.


Oh and the ending had an awesome twist.


Oh oh, it's written by the guy that wrote The Dark Knight, which is what drew my attention, and so far so good.


And if you missed it tonight but are now interested, they're showing it again Friday night. (Check your local listings.) (And I really hope they put it on Hulu or something since I don't plan my day around the TV. Like, ever; this is the first time I'm actually watching planned TV in a while.)


-CF :kakama:


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Same. I never watch TV--but with the premiers going on, I've had to (NCIS, The Mentalist, Flash Forward).


I was pretty impressed with it too...I'm definitely looking forward to the next episode. I never have payed much attention to ABC shows, besides LOST, so this sort of is a step up in my book.

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When you said "very possible" at first I thought you were refering to the show's plot... :P


Of course it's gonna be on Hulu... they've been advertising it on their front page for weeks. I don't know if I'll check it out, as I don't find the plot that intriguing, but hey, if I have time to kill while working in the library... (I love my job, where part of my work is deciding what show I'm gonna watch while stamping books)



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You guys do know that V is a remake of a series from the '80s, right?


I was blown away by the advance footage for the new V. For someone who's done just a little research into the alien phenomenon, it's certainly interesting to note so many TV shows and movie releases centered around the ET meme lately. Some would argue that the public is being psychologically prepared for something big coming up, but on the other hand, such spikes in UFO sightings and pop-culture references have happened before without any kind of public disclosure of "the truth."


(Sorry if this was off-topic, but I know nothing about Flash Forward.)

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