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:blink: Hey, whaddayaknow, I finally finished Vezon & Fenrakk.


Vezon: It's time to practice good oral hygiene! *pulls out giant toothbrush and starts brushing Fenrakk's teeth* Isn't that right, my pet?


Fenrakk: <Prrrr>




Speaking of oral whatchwatsits:


I have to go to the pediatrician sometime next month. Why? Cause I have to go through all these tests, just to get a jaw surgery done (I have a Class 3 Underbite with some other thing I can't remember. Only two of my teeth actually touch). Not to mention a jaw surgery that was supposed to happen 2 years ago, but the insurance company was stubborn (they rarely accept claims that have anything to do with the word 'teeth'), so they wouldn't pay for it.




What'll happen if this claim gets up and going:

First, I'll have to go in and get all four of my wisdom teeth removed from my jawbone. I'll go through recovery for, I dunno, a couple months. Then I get braces to straighten my teeth (They're curving inward, sorta like snake's fangs). Then I wait a year. Then I go in for major jaw surgery, where they cut my top jaw through the sinuses and move it forward, and cut my bottom jaw all the way off and move it backward.


Ouchies. O.<


Then I'll go through about 5 months of recovery, and then I'll finally be able to eat on both sides of my mouth!




I want to strangle our insurance company. -_-




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I wouldn't want that to happen to me. Well, I want to wish you the best of luck and hope you come out alive. :P No seriously, good luck. :)


P.S. Are you going to be mute for a couple days/months, since they're going to be *gulp* moving your entire jaw?

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From what they've told me, I'd barely be able to talk for at least 3 months. Or eat. So I'd need to drink, like, smoothie meals and those weird Carnation breakfasts.


They also said I'd lose weight because of that, but, hey, I figured that out on my own.



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My brother recently had similar jaw surgery on his upper jaw; I think it might've been the same type. But anyways, I'm not gonna lie to ya -- you're gonna bleed A LOT. He had to eat/drink frosties from Wendy's for days.


Good luck, though! I wish I could say get well soon, but I know that isn't really possible.

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Hey, nothing wrong with Carnation Instant breakfasts. Sometimes, that's the only breakfast I have time for.

Just use 1% instead of skim milk: gives it a little more body. 2% is too heavy, though.


Good luck with surgery!


-KIE, who has his own beefs with insurance, what with having a lifetime need for a Schedule II controlled dangerous substance and all.

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Speaking of braces, I just got mine off on Monday! Good luck with yours, Nikira!



(And when trying to post, I think I accidentally reported a post. If you're looking at this, Makaru, please disregard that. I didn't mean to.)

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I have an overbite and all I have to do is have a metal brace be put in my mouth (called a Herbst Appliance) to put my jaw in the right position. Then the braces to straighten my teeth out are coming at the end of this month.


I'm sorry for you. *shudders at thinking about what you'll go through* And I thought this was bad.



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I have an overbite and all I have to do is have a metal brace be put in my mouth (called a Herbst Appliance) to put my jaw in the right position. Then the braces to straighten my teeth out are coming at the end of this month.


I'm sorry for you. *shudders at thinking about what you'll go through* And I thought this was bad.




I myself had a Herbst Appliance glued to my top jaw when I was younger. I also had headgear, about 3 retainers, all that good stuff.


Ain't the orthodontist trips fun? :rolleyes: I'm so glad mine is a nice one.



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I have an overbite and all I have to do is have a metal brace be put in my mouth (called a Herbst Appliance) to put my jaw in the right position. Then the braces to straighten my teeth out are coming at the end of this month.


I'm sorry for you. *shudders at thinking about what you'll go through* And I thought this was bad.




I myself had a Herbst Appliance glued to my top jaw when I was younger. I also had headgear, about 3 retainers, all that good stuff.


Ain't the orthodontist trips fun? :rolleyes: I'm so glad mine is a nice one.




I only need the Herbst and some regular, standard braces. I fear orthodontist trips as well... and dentist trips too, 'cause they're in the same building. I've been there so many times this year, that I've become accustomed to -- and hate -- the smell in the dentist's office. :P



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