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Bees Asleep On The Flowers




(in the park at around 6:30, at least)

So I'm on my new computer. As a Russian XP, it's faster and I like it. =D Took a long time to set up (sorry I wasn't on, Dudebot =P), but worth it.

Also in WB3 today was kinda funny. I was playing on a map, and had an ally Daemon AI whose hero I set to Level 50 for no reason (I figured out how to edit AI heroes in skirmish). So when I managed to build a Dragonliche (Undead dragon), I put him to guarding the allied hero, who ran around the map endlessly looking for people to kill. Ultimately, in the end, when my dragon gained up to level 8, the hero was assassinated. Funny thing is, right when he died, my hero gained a level. It's like he passed down some XP through my dragon (even though I doubt he knew why the dragon was stalking him =P).

And I also have a new story idea! As epic as it would be as a manga, I'm sticking to having it be an epic for now. Once I get down the concept and several chapters, I'll post it. I call it.... "Magic Police."
(It's way better than the title implies)

So I liked today. Especially since I got to make another one of my long blog entries.


Recommended Comments

Admit, my CoD stories are so much better. xP


Leada wants manga. =(


Also glad you didn't fall off the face of the Earth, like everyone else in real life and the Internet.

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