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Mysterious Minifig


So, for those of you who have read some of my past entries, I've been biking on and off to my classes. The times I didn't bike one of my parents ended driving me.


Anyway to start off whenever I bike I wear a helmet. Not usually, always, I actually turned around and went back to the house one time because I somehow forgot my helmet. This is due to two things, one of the them is that I did a persuasive speech for speech class a number of years ago advocating wearing your helmet when biking. I think there were only 1 or 2 people who ever wore their helmets, if they had one. The other reason is that when I got my bike my parents said they would take it away if I didn't wear my helmet.


When I have my bike parked I usually just tread the helmet strap through the lock and sort of hang it off of my water bottle holder. Counting earlier a little under half the bikes at the bike rack this afternoon had helmets.


Another pet peeve of my is the people who bike on the left side of the road. In Minnesota a bike is a street legal vehicle, with a lot less restrictions then a car. You're suppose to drive with traffic not against it. The only real exception that I'm okay with is if you're on a sidewalk because it's a fairly busy street and there is no bike lane.


On the roads that I have to take to class, the busiest road has a bike lane. A couple of time I have ended up passing people who were biking in the bike lane against traffic. At those I had two choices, either I hug the shoulder, forcing them out to the edge of the bike lane and next to the traffic or I can hug the edge of the bike lane and force them out against the shoulder. I always take the latter.

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