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The Reason Annoying People Complain

Boogie Monsta


The reason getting older makes us old-time Bionicle fans criticize it more is because as Bionicle progresses, it gets more and more different than what it was we originally knew and loved. And as a basest instinct, human beings don't like change. A fan who joined in '05 will likely love Inika and Piraka torsos, and think it strange when TLC does something different. Us old-timers who were fans in '01 loved the way things were then, and don't want anything to change from the way that was. We had the Toa Mata, the Bahrag, the Bohrok, the Rahi. So we want things to follow that formula: Small yet intricate Toa-types, and big, complicated titans with action-type mechanisms. We knew it, we loved it, and then TLC changed it. So many of us complained, while the new fans who had known nothing before Metru Nui loved every minute of it. The same thing happened with the Inika saga, and Bara Magna. And it'll happen again with whatever else comes for Bionicle.




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I suppose I stand as a fault to this. I've been a fan since 01, but I've enjoyed most every moment of it, including set changes. Granted there's a few things I don't like, such as design and usage of Piraka torsos (now I'm being honest), but as long as Greg can describe to me a personality and Lego can make a set to house that character, I'm happy.

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But, in your case, Tom, you're actually a decent human being who doesn't find fault in EVERYTHING and gripe about it all.

That's the difference XP



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But, in your case, Tom, you're actually a decent human being who doesn't find fault in EVERYTHING and gripe about it all.

That's the difference XP



Always think in grays.

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